Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Woodland Optical Ilusions

These were taken over Thanksgiving break. I found them on my ArtShare picture quest. Let me know what you think they look like!

Frankenstein Cyclops screaming at the avenging villagers.

Evard Munsch-like face screaming.

Heart lying on it's side or a just baked acorn squash half (with plenty of butter, maple syrup, and brown sugar!).

Ostrich eye and beak maybe? Or a duck profile?

My nod to Easter Island's statues.

I don't know, it could be so many things, I just like to look at it.


The Edward said...

Very nice! The last one definitely looks like Cthulhu to me. I can see one eye and some bits of tentacle in there.

Anonymous said...

It's so cool to look at a piece of wood and see so many different things. I once was driftwood hunting at the beach, looking for pieces of wood that I could paint Santa's onto for ornaments. I had the best time. Some pieces, I could actually see the face and the beard before I even painted. Some I didn't want to paint because they looked so real already.

I love your pieces and I'm glad you looked at them so closely. Just think what you might have missed!