1) So Halloween is over. All the trick-or-treaters got to meet Moomin. He was very interested in all the people coming, he even tried to sniff them thru the window a few times, and he got lots of compliments (mostly on how "he was a black cat on Halloween"). At one point I had a lull and he fell in the typical kitten coma. I had to lift him off my lap when the next wave came and the girls oohed and ahhed over him coz he's just so damn cute!!
2) I've been in a training for two full days.
3) I am so behind at work that I am doing the escape/avoidance technique of doing everything but what I SHOULD be doing.
4) And I have had 2 people jump aboard the ArtShareMeme. Edward, you can create something! I know you can. So while I am creating something for you, you be all creative and stuff and we'll do a swap. I have faith in your arty abilities! I still need 3 more. This doesn't have to be hard, the "art" can be in any medium that you feel comfy in. And I'm not an art critic so don't worry about what my fluffy head is going to think of it. I'll be thrilled to just get something in the mail from a real live person that isn't a mass mailing or pre-approved credit card.
5) I haven't heard back from the window people to confirm if they received my signed contract.
6) Work Work Work Work. So much backlogged paperwork, so much to print and sign, so much to complete and send out, phone messages to listen to and answer, so much to do and only one day to attempt it in!
I have to go, I really must get started!
1 comment:
"The Window People", sounds scary! Are they people who live in The Window, a view to another world as it were? Or maybe people who live just outside of people's windows, constantly looking in, pop their heads down when someone looks out? I actually think that would make a good title for a scary story or movie.
Thank you for your belief in me. I haven't created a physical craft in more than 2 decades - my creative outlets are with words (scripts, stories, blogs, jokes) or code/math. Even though I am a programmer on Photoshop, I'm not very good with a camera or picture taking, which would be the closest to something in the physical world. But, for you, I will make something physical/crafty! Let me see what I can come up with. And as always, my email is on my blog under my profile, so drop me a line and we can exchange addresses! Thanks! (If I post it here, I will not be able to remove it at some future point, where as keeping it in my profile, if I start getting too much spam, I can remove it.)
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