Tuesday, October 31, 2006


(What the heck does "meme" mean anyway?)
I'm joining my mother, Wednesday's Child, for an ArtShareMeme. The first five blogsters who sign up in my comment section will receive an actual piece of "art" from me. I'm not a quilter, but I am artsy! We'll do address info via email. This is a swap, so you'll send me an artsy piece in any medium that you've created in exchange:)


Joanna Stein said...


The Edward said...

I would enjoy a piece of art, but sadly I have none that I have created with which to use for exchange. Are not combinations of words a form of art? If so, then I have over 100 works to share that are already online. If not... the maybe post a picture of the art I would have received had I been more craft-minded?