Monday, July 14, 2008

Incredibly Sheddy

Update: photo put in!

I've been brushing my three kittos every other day in a vain attempt to stem the tide of shedding fur. I'm losing. Everything in the house has a layer of cat fur instead of dust. The gremlins under the bed have enough to make their own cat if they were interested in doing so, but they're more interested in driving me crazy by hiding my stuff.

Hobbes and Moomin adore being Safari-combed (pictured above). Doodle on the other hand makes me follow her around the house and then after about 5 minutes, she does this back twitch to let me know if I continue, she's gonna whip around any second to grab and bite the shit out of me. Moomin does the same thing only he attacks the comb after awhile. I've developed a tri-universal technique that works for all three cats in different ways. I hold a left-over plastic cable tie over their heads. Hobbes likes to rub his face on it while I comb him. Moomin will rub his face, grab it, or bite it and it serves as a suitable distraction from the comb which I do not allow him to play with or attack. Doodle will play with it, but again, her attention span and tolerance are MUCH shorter than the boyz and I have to watch for the "zooy look" which again means if I don't stop I'm gonna get grabbed and bit real fast.

I basically Safari-comb a small two-week-old-kitten-sized ball of fur from each of them each time. The tape dispenser in the picture is for size comparison! Imagine the ginormous hairballs they'd be trying to ingest if I wasn't combing them. As it is, Doodle yarfed up the mother of all hairballs last night. Holy moly. No wonder she yarfed up her snack, that damn hairball was the size of my thumb which is bigger then the size of her tummy!

Today I took Moo and Doo to their annual check-up at the vet. I let them know this morning they were going and as soon as the words were out of my mouth, Doodle slunk out of the room and did not come out to get her job or say goodbye to me. Then when I came home after work to get them, Moomin and Hobbes greeted me but Doodle was nowhere to be found. She KNEW and stayed hidden, praying I wouldn't find her. Moomin jumped right in one of the carrying cases and I zipped him in. I found Doodle in an unreachable position under my bed. So I did a bad thing. I tricked her into coming out by shaking the treat container. Oooh was she mad when I popped her in the other case. She howled the whole way to the vet. I tried to reassure her that she was not going to get anymore shaved spots or any blood taken. I did NOT mention the shot she was getting.

Anyway, Dr. W checked her out first and stated she looks good and squeezed her innards "which felt good". After getting poked and prodded and pried, Doodle got her shot, leaped back into her case, and dug herself under her blanket. Moomin climbed up on Dr. W's shoulder after she weighed him and launched himself onto me while she was notating. She said he's quite the acrobat. I said he certainly was along with living up to his nickname "Sir Chompsalot". Dr. W laughed and laughed. While she was shining the light into Moo's eyes, she told him he had very beautiful eyes. He didn't even notice he got a shot. He's so oblivious at times.

At the end of their appointment, I was covered in fur. I could barely see the color of my shirt.

Back to the Safari-comb.
I gave them all treats after they got out of the cases. It was the least I could do for tricking my smarty party girl.


Joanna Stein said...

have you tried the

Samantha said...

Yes, I've tried many products, one of which was the cat version of the Furminator. It did not work. I was totally bummin'. So I found this cheap ass comb with two sets of teeth (long alternated with short) at the local animal feedsack store called the Safari Shedding Comb. The longer teeth penetrate deep into the fur and "lift the loose hair while the shorter teeth collect released hair from the upper layers." It works, I'm happy, it's just I have three shedding at the same time cats and I'm unable to keep up!