Friday, July 04, 2008

My Mini Doctah Jones Adventure

So I'm watering my newbie plants.

In my bare feet trying to avoid the large and in charge juicy-ass ants that seem to be taking over the world nowadays.

As I'm on my way to fill up another watering can full of water, I hear a skittering next to the house. I look but don't see anything at first, but I still hear some skittering and it sounds animal-like as opposed to a dry leaf blowing across the driveway.

Then I notice movement in the basement window well. I peer thru the plastic cover and discover a small black snake trying it's damnedest to find it's way out and getting pretty darn close to finding his way into my dryer hot air hose.

I lift the plastic cover and the snake is a smart one. He manages to get up over the edge and continues his way along the house. He gets to my one step stoop which puzzles him for a moment.

At this point I'm just interested in watching him. I really don't mind snakes like Indy does. Get me around bees and wasps and I will pull an Indy snake-in-the-plane fit.

Finally the snake makes a choice. The WRONG choice which forces me to take some stunt man action.

He decides he is going to go up the inside of the trim around my door.

I decide this is highly inappropriate and I'm not allowing this. I pull him out by his tail.

He turns around and quickly heads back up into the trim.

I quickly yank him out again.

He gets pissed and lunges at me. And coils himself up like you see pissed off rattlers on those Animal Planet shows. And lunges a couple more times.

I'm no where near him. I'm NOT stupid (although I appear to be sometimes, when it counts I'm not). So while he's busy keeping a close angry eye on me, I'm busy trying to find something to assist him with moving along and staying out of my door trim.

I use one of the small booksale signs I didn't use for the sale to try to coax him but he transfers his lunging biting maneuvers to the sign. Fine by me.

I get him over the stoop onto the other side where he makes a lightening attempt to go up inside that side's trim at which point I promptly pull his ass out yet again.

He's SUPER pissed with me now and divides his attention between the water hose, the booksale sign, and me, lunging and biting.

I had to laugh at him acting all "big and stuff", he seriously looked like a mini rattler minus the rattle. He was doing that coily thing and his head was all flattened out like cats when they put their ears back to hiss.

I explained to him that under no circumstances was I going to allow him up in the trim nor was he going to get a chance to bite me, so he better make the best of things and go enjoy himself under the cool of the hostas.

Which he finally did.

I hope he sticks around, he's good for the garden, eating slugs and bugs and all.

Just as long as he stays away from the dryer hose and the door trim.

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