Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Downgraded I Am

The cable guy came today to install the filter. I left work for two hours to be available during his "window of availability". Turns out he did and gone before I got home and when I called at 2:30pm, the customer service guy had me check my limited repertoire of channels to make sure A) the filter works and B) they didn't accidentally disconnect me.

I'm down to 14 channels

I feel like I'm missing a limb.

Oooh how I'm gonna miss that limb.

I'm not looking forward to the withdrawal period or the phantom pains. Media is a drug.

I just have to keep remembering my mantra - "saving money with more time to read".

Okay, deeeeeeeeep breath, let it out... and think of the $40+ I will be saving each month. And another deeeeep breath.

PS: I have two bonus channels that come in black and white and slightly fuzzy - a sports channel and Disney. Just my luck. Two more channels I don't want. Well, at least I'm not paying for them.
Next week The Closer starts. Damnit. Stop thinking. Breath.
Mom, I'll be comin' over for this show and Project Runway on the weekends if you TiVo them, please? Hope you don't mind?

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