Saturday, July 12, 2008

Two Fabulous Evenings

Evening No.1
I wanted to go see "Wanted" again (it was so fast, this time I could see things I missed the first time around) and I wanted to go OUT. So I called J's daughter, M, to see what she was doing on a Friday evening. She said she'd be out for a couple of drinks. I asked how late she'd be out and she said "a couple of drinks usually means til 1am". I laughed and asked I could join her and her boyfriend after the movie ended. She said sure. So I spent the next hour getting ready. Not for the movie, but for going OUT. So many decisions. I really miss the times J and I lived together. It was great having a friend around, getting ready together, making sure your clothes and make-up were fine and not going to put you on the receiving end of being made fun of. It was hard putting together an outfit that was subtly sexy but not screaming "I'm alone at the movie theater, try to pick me up" or "Check out this poor-going-by-herself-to-the-movies chick". I finally landed on a tightish pair of jeans, black belt, black platform sandals, and a black zipped shirt. I wore my hair in a loose twist for the movie, betting on the hair products keeping the wavy curls made by the clip once I got to the venue and took the clip out (which worked by the way). My make-up went on smoothly except for some mascara issues which always happen. I hopped in my car, arrived at the movie theater, stood up straight and walked confidently (and trying to be somewhat mysterious), got my ticket, and watched my movie. First one out the door and back to my car, drove to the local venue, saw that M's car was there, and proceeded to do the "just looking for my friend" act. I found her and thus began a very fun evening full of laughs and chat. I think some guy may have been checking me out, not sure so I had to ask M. She said most likely he was checking me out as I caught him looking at me three times. I told her I had to ask coz it has been a VERY long time since I've been out and about and checked out. I saw one of J's old flames at the end of the evening. We reminisced. I drove home, fed the kitties their snack, fed myself a snack (missed dinner I was so busy getting ready), and fell fast asleep.

Evening No.2
Today J2 called to see if I still wanted to see "Wall*E". I said yes and she said that if her husband could get TJ to nap, she'd bring him to pick me up to see the 4:30pm show. This would be his very first big screen movie experience and she wasn't sure how it would go, but if he napped we had more chance of it being successful. TJ napped and I could tell he was in a good mood when they got to my house. We drove to the theater and J2 said she'd talked to TJ about what seeing a movie was like. TJ waited in line great, I gave him the tickets to hold, J2 held her breath and TJ didn't even look or ask for any refreshments, he asked if there were any elevators as we went down the hallway which we were able to reassure him that there were none, and we opened the door of the theater. TJ was a little nervous of the floor lighting but once we turned the corner and he got a load of the screen, he was in silent awe. We sat down with him between us, watched one preview, watched the Pixar cartoon (which was awesome), and then the movie started. There were a couple times the movie was too loud and he had to cover his ears (EVE liked to blow shit up), or it got too dark, or the action lagged a bit, or a scene got just a tad too scary and TJ would say "I don't want to watch this movie anymore". J2 and I were always ready to point out something interesting on the screen or explain something so that he quickly got back into it again. One of the funniest moments was when Wall*E and EVE were trying to say each other's names and TJ sang out in a clear loud voice "HE'S WALL*E!!!". Thank goodness it was a kid's movie, coz that loud singing out happened more than a couple times. After the movie finished and we were walking out, I asked him how he liked his very first movie. TJ said "it was great". Out in the lobby he zoomed over to the refreshments and asked for popcorn. We got him the small bag coz he did such a great job. He held onto that bag all the way out to the car he was so thrilled. J2 got a very cute sound/video bite on her cellphone of TJ answering questions about his first movie experience while he held his popcorn bag with two hands and grazed off the top. We then went to Ruby Tuesdays for dinner and afterwards walked the market around the corner from my house for old-fashioned ice-cream treats which we ate as an ice-cream picnic on my drive-way. TJ had to problem solve how to eat his ice-cream, it was one of those with the wooden pik and frozen solid. By the time he was done, he had ice-cream up to his hairline and down the front of his shirt. TJ waved goodbye out the window the entire time J2 was pulling out.

I had such a good time.

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