Wednesday, April 18, 2007

This Just In!

I received this email yesterday but opened it today (I was taking a mental health day due to the dental experience!). How exciting to get an award!

Hi Samantha,
I just received a Thinking Blogger Award for my photos-only blog, RSR: 365 Days of Art.
Part of the deal is to pass it on, so I've chosen your blog as one that inspires me and makes me think and I now pass the Thinking Blogger award on to you.
I'll also mention this on my main blog (and link to it) either tomorrow or Wednesday.
I hope that you'll join the ranks of passing this meme on. You'll find the original challenge here:
take care,

When I get some time, I will "join the ranks of passing this meme on."

Thank you Deb! Nice to know my "writing" and photos gives someone inspiration and enjoyment.

1 comment:

Deborah Boschert said...

I agree. I like your thinking!