Friday, April 04, 2008

I Made Something Incredible

I had a thought. A very big thought. A huge creative thought.

So I went to where one can buy things to make huge creative thoughts become reality. Lowe's.

I got a cement tube. 3 slim long rectangular mirror strips. Clear packing tape. Big-ass cable ties.

I made a big kaleidoscope. And, really, I mean BIG. The cement tube is 10" diameter and the mirrors are 8"x36".

I put the mirrors in a triangular form, cable zip-tied them solidly together with no gaps between them. Then I slid the form into the cement tube, securing the ties with packing tape. I made a "viewfinder" and taped that onto one end and then made a rim on the other so it won't slide out.

Yes, it's gosh-darned heavy, but I'm not thinking of lugging it around much, it's meant more for stationary pictures and timed shots. It's definitely not pretty. I will take pics of it tomorrow and share the glory of it's hugeness!

I've been experimenting all night. Here's some of my favorite shots. I tweaked the brightness on the second MM shot, makes it looks sort of painted or Warholish.

I couldn't resist doing some self-portraiture. One of our photo class assignments is to play with light. These are kinda dark, but I think it suits them. Click for bigger to really get their effect.

I'll be playing more with it tomorrow to see how natural cloudy light works...


Deb R said...

WOW! I'm impressed!

Cool photos!!

Anonymous said...

This is so cool! Did you photograph the steps in making it? Bring on the pictures