Monday, April 07, 2008

The BIG Kaleidoscope...

I promised you pictures of the Kscope but dangnabit, it was extremely cloudy on Sunday and as a result all the pics I took of it were blurry and useless.

And I spent the day in my PJs.

But, I did some more experimenting with low light.

I promise, promise, promise to post pics of the Kscope itself as soon as I can. I'm sorry I didn't take pictures of the making it process. I always forget to do that until whatever I'm making is complete and untakeapartable, like with recipes. But I do have the components which I can take pics of so if you want to make one, you can print them off and show the parts to the nice friendly DoBees at Lowe's.

1 comment:

Meglet said...

Oh, my goodness, if that isn't the most nifty, galifty thingamawhatsit I've ever seen! And I especially loved what you did with the Easter sprinkles------fabuloso!

I've not time to thoroughly read all the bed manners and creepy tales, tonight, but I certainly will. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the bed manners book-------maybe you'd be so kind as to loan it out, sometime? Or perhaps it's too precious and must stay in the vault. In any event, I have a more technical nursing book along the same lines------very old, very proper------much about invalidism. I guess this was just accepted and freely talked about in those days; there are times when I would like to take up invalidism as a brief hobby, just for the relaxation and the many servants of the household waiting on me, fearing how very ill I am------this sounds somehow strangely appealing at this juncture! :-)

Be well, and snaps to you on such fun and entertaining posts. I really must check in more often.
