Sunday, April 13, 2008

I've Been Project-ing

Sorry I haven't posted pics of the big Kaleidoscope but I got a bee under my bonnet and decided this weekend was now or never for this project.

I didn't make anything, I de-constructed something.

I took up the carpet in my bedroom and spare room.

So this is what my weekend looked like:
Saturday: get up at 8am, feed cats, procrastinate a bit by reading and falling back asleep, waking up to move all the stuff out of my bedroom, vacuum the carpet, rip carpet up, roll it up, loft it out the window (accidentally breaking several branches on the azaela bush OOPS), rip up the padding, loft it out the window, tackling the tack strips (a whole lotta fun, let me tell you), carefully digging the staples out of the hardwood floors that the installers went crazy putting in the padding, vacuum the hardwood floors, scrub them with Murphy's Wood Soap on hands and knees, move all the stuff back in the room with some rearrangements, then fall into my Chair of Death to zombie-watch TV while every muscle group located in both my upper body and my butt region aches like the dickens.

Sunday: get up and get moving at 8am after feeding the cats, move all the stuff that can be moved out of the spare bedroom (leaving the empty husk of bunkbeds and the computer table (with computer still on it coz if I unplug or unhook anything - it ain't going back together right), vacuum carpet, rip out carpet (manuevering it under the table and bunkbeds - that took some creative double lifting and rolling, and pushing and swearing on my part), safely lofting it out the window onto the driveway (no bushes injured this time around), rip up padding (easier then the carpet to get under the beds and table), loft it out the window, tack strips which were even more uncooperative than my bedroom, even more staples (apparently the carpet installers were under the impression they were putting in permanent carpeting, NOT), vacuum hardwood floors, wash them on hands and knees (what can I say, I'm old fashioned and like to get up close to know I'm getting the dirt), put everything back but with changes and rearrangements, sometimes rearranging several times, only to fall again into the Chair of Death with same muscle groups severely stressed out.

I watched Fifth Element and Rock of Love 2 - nice non-brain functioning TV with three very exhausted cats on my lap. I'm not sure exactly what made them exhausted, they slept thru the entire process. Maybe it was because they didn't sleep yesterday and today it was old hat. Been there done that heard that hammering isn't for us let's sleep. Only Moomin would check in every now and then to see if the hot air register hole was still there and try to fit his head into it, when that didn't work, he shoved his foreleg in.

Thus a major project that has been years in the wings is completed. And the rooms look great! It will be so much easier vacuuming up the cat dust bunnies that will be multiplying now that spring is officially here.

Thank goodness.

I'm going to bed.


Meglet said...

Man, oh man, what an accomplishment! I do know personally how exhausting this can be for the body, as last week found me re-doing a blundered carpet project of my own!
Bought new blue 9 X 12's for the dining and living rooms, and though it would be extra plushy and nice to just lay them over the old carpets, which weren't all that dirty or worn out, but were not of a colour that I liked. Boy, was I wrong! HUGE wave-type bumps in both------couldn't even vacuum (a disaster with shedding dogs).
So, whilst kids were in school and Liam napping, Meg got it in her mind to move all the furniture off them, pull up the new, out with the old, back again with the new. Ouch, a few well chosen words, throbbing sort of feeling in that mid section.
Well, enough about me-------I sympathise with you. Sounds like a great and worthwhile project, though. I LOVE wooden floors, and had them in every other house we've owned but this one! Well, you know what's here.........
Now, if I could just get up the gumption (sp?) to tackle that cluttered and dirty entryway. Begs your vomits, I'm sorry to say!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a job! Do you have to polish the floors now or is the Murphy soap wash enough and gives a sheen?

I like to sit and watch a project too for a long time before I get the uuummp to get it moving. I'll tell myself that it just takes 1 bite at a time to eat an elephant, and get it done.

Samantha said...

The floors luckily enough are already sort of polished/varnished. It's an old job and there are a lot of scuffs and interesting marks that I haven't made - just the dug out staples from me so far, the cats are working hard on making claw skidder marks when they run and try to get traction going around the corner of the bed or doorframe. The Murphy's just got up the years of gunge and schmucky stuff and made them gleam as much as they are gonna until they are resanded, buffed, and polished anew. So not gonna happen any time soon!