Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday Minutiae

For those who like itty bitty details...

It was another busy weekend.

Up at 8:00am, fed cats, showered, went to one of the local drugstore/pharmacy/magazine rack/beauty aid/as seen on TV product sellers to transfer a buttload of pics from my memory cards to CDs, got walked thru the process, DooBee left me on my own, they told me it would take about 15-20 minutes, time which I spent delightfully in Borders browsing for much MUCH longer than 15-20 min, came back, picked up my CDs, merrily drove home to check them before going out to take more photos, turned computer on, loaded first CD, 5 fucking pictures, unloaded it, put 2nd CD in, 5 fucking pictures, jammed CDs back in cases, slammed out of the house, drove fast back to drugstore, waited steamily in line, explained the 5 fucking pics on each CD, turned out DooBee left at an important juncture not fully explaining a very small but very vital step that I did NOT do, they redid my CDs and did not charge me, I spent the next 15-20 min in Fashion Bug being thoroughly appalled at horrendously fugly tops the industry apparently thinks the "everyday woman" actually wants to look at much less wear, got my CDs, went directly to my streamlet to take photo class pics, spent about an hour and a half doodling around taking many godawful photos, came back home, didn't stop for anything to eat because I got all ADD and decided the yard needed my immediate landscaping attention, raked dead leaves and tops out of the beds (wheelbarrow full), picked up ALL dead branches that fell into the entire yard over the winter (more than a wheelbarrow full but I MADE IT FIT), removed the wheelbarrow's worth of pine needles from around the hydrangea, came back inside to play with just-taken-pics forgetting to eat yet again, got frustrated, finally ate late lunch/early dinner, fed cats, and dropped into Chair of Death and read my book.

Up at 7:30am, picked up clutter, vacuumed all rooms (carpets and hardwood), shook out throw rugs, dusted all living room/kitchen/dining room surfaces, cleaned bathroom so it sparkled, co-worker and his daughter came over, daughter met Moomin who did his best to sniff as much of her as he could, we all went out back, I took some pics of her in the big Kscope and some action shots of her with the big therapy balls I have, they left, I played with the photos just took, got hungry and was about to make soup when Mom called to invite me to Chinese food lunch, YES, ate lunch with Mom and Dad, Riley in car, Blizzard for dessert, then 7 loads of laundry with mixed hanging to dry and dryer loads, watched bad non-TV and Rock of Love Reunion (when did the Headbanger's Ball ex-video jockey, Ricky Rackman, get all frenzied, yelly, and crap - like a cheesy game show host?) while laundrying, separated undies, matched socks, folded Tshirts, put all dry clean clothes away in respective places, brushed teeth, got in bed, and read til sleepy.

Got up for work, did the grillion (grooming-million) things have to do to get ready for work, reassured cats I would be home to feed them dinner, arrived at work, showed co-worker the pics of him and his daughter, did work, went to 10am meeting, came back to email from co-worker telling me I took fab pics of his daughter and that I'm quite the photographer, glowed, ate lunch, went to 1pm meeting, from there went to 3pm meeting, after that went grocery shopping, came home, put groceries away, fed cats like promised, prepared homemade chicken soup with ingredients just purchased, while that simmered I cut up and steamed yellow and purple cauliflower for my lunches this week, then messed with several photos in prep for making prints tomorrow for my last photo class, went pee (FINALLY, what's wrong with me that I completely forgot to do THAT?), whipped up some noodles, had bowl of soup, watched non-TV, landed on Nemo, and now I'm ready for bed.


Last photo class tomorrow. I'm gonna miss the assignments and the pushing me to push myself.

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