Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My Bitch Ass Is TIRED!

And if my biceps are not HUGE by the end of this never-ending winter, there will be some Universal Being smackdown happening!

So we got more snow overnight and into this morning. About 6 inches worth. Translate that into waist-high snow at the end of the driveway where the street plow kindly piles it up for me. I spent an hour just shoveling the end when my neighbor, wonderful older gentleman, snowblowed his way over after witnessing my distress (and here's me hoping his machine was loud enough to block out the creative language I was using because I was so damn tired and frustrated and still had the entire rest of the driveway to shovel) and told me

"I know you shovel for the exercise, but this is getting ridiculous, so I'm snowblowing your driveway for you."

I told him that would be absolutely fabulous, thanked him profusely, and away he went.

If you look closely at the first pic, you can see where he accidently snowblowed some snow onto my grey neighbor's windows. OOPs, no harm done, I apologized to grey neighbor for him. I'm so thankful he snowblowed because while I was in the process of fine tune-shoveling (yes, I'm a bit anal about my driveway), the big street plow came by again and nicely deposited a fresh pile at the end of my driveway - this time wet heavy chunky snow. Too too nice. So I spent another half hour-45 minutes cleaning that mess up.

The reason I'm so tired, is that I have to loft the snow over the piles that are now over my head. I took pics so you can see how tall they are. The last one is quite amusing. I'm frowning from the effort it is taking to hold the damn camera up for your benefit!

Yes, I know the hat is rather rather, but hey, I just took a shower, my hair is wet, and it's raining and I really try hard to avoid giving the public an ugly-ass picture. Hence the cropped face.

1 comment:

jan said...

Get ready to add a few more inches to that picture!!! Yikes!!! I'll try to stay up past 8pm sometime soon so I can call you :)