Friday, July 13, 2007

What With the Dick, the Doves, and the Ducks...

it was an exciting drive to work this morning.

The Dick was a older dude in a burgundy station wagonesque type vehicle who was driving 10 miles below the speed limit in a sort of “speed-up-slow-down” sort of way which made it extremely difficult to stay a safe distance away from him, either I was inadvertently jammed up his ass or very far away from him. And apparently this was not enough for him in spreading the road rage joy. He also double-stopped at STOP signs. Meaning when his brake lights went off indicating the car was going forward and I started to move into the space he was leaving, he would stop again, check for traffic, and then go. Good thing I was awake this morning and quick on the draw. The Dick got quite a few aura flicks. Here's hoping he gets a big Kharmic bitchslap.

The Doves were constantly in the middle of the road. There was nary a worm, a bug, a seed, or anything remotely resembling bird food so I can’t figure out what they found so damn fascinating in the middle of a sheet of asphalt. Yet every one of them (and there were 4) was on the painted line and luckily they flew off in time as I approached.

Then the Ducks were around another blind curve in the process of crossing the road to get to the other side. One duck who’d already made it was on the sandy verge frantically a’flappin’ her wings at the slower ones still in the road. I honked the horn to encourage the dawdling duo and once they were on the grass, Frantic Duck stopped flapping and went into the ditch with the other ducks. She must have been the momma duck.

I’m feeling a bit alliterative today. Could you tell?

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