Thursday, July 19, 2007

Slambo's Wild Kingdom

So I come home from work and take my usual wander around the perimeter to admire my landscaping and garden, when something "out of the norm" attracts my eye. I go closer thinking "how in the world is that bee hanging from a flower? and if it's stuck, I guess I will have to repress the dumb-ass tendency and free it." When I get close enough, I see that the bee is not hanging coz it got it's foot stuck in the flower somehow or stuck in a web, but a bright yellow spider has it's neck in a literal death grip. Of course I had to drop everything and rush to get my digcamera to document the wild kingdom that apparently is my backyard. If you are at all squeamish, you may want to pass on viewing them. I personally think the pics are cool, but I do feel sorry for the bee. This is the type of bee that's made it's underground home beneath my garage.

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