Thursday, July 26, 2007

Slambo's Wild Kingdom Take Two

I'm not sure what exactly is going on in my backyard that has caused it to be inhabited by these bad ass bright yellow spiders that can apparently take me down if they felt like it, but here is another in the B.A.B.Y. spider series. I found this one yesterday after I came home from my tramautic unplanned unforeseen visit to the dentist because I've done something to the newly filled in area that was not pleasant and almost caused me to blow lunch chunks and did make me call the dentist's office in a panicked snit. I could have sworn (after the three quick episodes of sharp pain) that I felt movement, but after the dentist tapped, poked, wiggled, scraped, and pressed with a sharp metal pointy object and didn't find any movement, I've come to the realization I must have hallucinated the barely imperceptible movement and slight "click", damn unreliable finger tip grooves. He determined it must be a "surface issue" after all the poking and prodding and biting down on blue paper and reclined the chair even more in preparation to grind away at the tooth enamel and filling to see if he could rectify the problem in that way. I was not prepared for that (but I did have Taz to hold onto very VERY tightly and a co-worker came with me for psychological support in the waiting room) and so I had to listen to it and feel the pressure and tingly feeling when he got close to something I have no idea what. It was probably a quick procedure but in my tweaked mind, it took forever. I'm pretty sure he forgets WHO I am until he starts working on me and then it all comes back to him that I'm "oh, THAT patient". He told me to keep him posted if I continue to feel anything as that may indicate a "crack and require pictures and possibly a crown." Needless to say, I approached dinnertime with major trepidition and am not fully convinced he fixed the issue as steamed cauliflower caused a few minor twingey episodes. And so did oatmeal this morning.


Kim Carney said...

holy moly! that is a bad-ass spider, dont stick your finger out there ;0

Deborah Boschert said...

Amazing spider. I think I remember one kinda like that in my yard when we lived in Maine.

Deborah Boschert said...

Actually you can see the spider I saw here.

Similiar. Wouldn't want to find one in my shoe!