Friday, November 30, 2007

Tag You're IT...

but only if you wanna do this meme and post your answers on your blog.

1) If you could instantly acquire 3 additional skills - what would they be?
- speak to groups of people (adults)
- computer
- design and make clothes

2) What 3 outrageous things would you try if no one knew about it?
- ghost hunter
- therapist (I was told today that I had the makings to be a "good one")
- Coyote Ugly bartender

3) What 3 daring things sound intriguing even if you'd probably never attempt them?
- visiting the Catacombs of Paris
- crossing the Bermuda Triangle several times before I disappeared from this dimension
- personal assistant to a famous person, Victoria Beckham would be interesting...

4) What 3 all-expense-paid vacations appeal to you?
- somewhere in the Virgin Islands
- skiing the Alps again
- Scandanavia (Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark)

5) Favorite 3 "work with hands" activities?
- typing, my German typing teacher tried hard to make it unpleasant, but she failed!
- cooking Spaghetti Bread
- creating arts&crafts (sorry not more specific)

6) What 3 jobs would you like to try/do?
- DJ at a big-ass famous club
- one of those tiger people on Tiger Island
- photographer

7) If you could slip into someone else's life, what 3 people would you try out for a while (time travel permitted)?
- Queen Elizabeth I during her heyday
- Marilyn Monroe
- Empress Josephine during her heyday

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