Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Much Ado About Nothing Day

1) I crawl out of bed this morning at 5:30am so I can be ready for Pee Sample Patrol. I'm no where near "awake" at that time in the morning and catching a urine sample at the asscrack of dawn is definitely a challenge of major proportions. But because I missed the damn window of opportunity yesterday, I was bound and determined to have Moomin pee in a bowl today. And you know what he did? Based on past history, your answer would be that he peed on demand. Oh no, he did NOT comply with giving me his pee! He stretched, yawned, sniffed his litter, jumped on Doodle, ate his breakfast, played a fast game of Octopus and CatTree, zoomed between windows to watch birds and squirrels get blown about by the very strong wind and rain, more jumping and chomping of other cats, some random cat box visiting to raise owner's lagging hopes, and love festing said tired and pissed off owner. Then when I've completely given up and taken a shower and am in the process of brushing my teeth, Moomin decides he's going to dig to China. "Hooray, it's about time" I'm thinking as I brush teeth, grab bowl, and position myself in all my urine catching readiness. And what do I get for three and a half hours of waiting? A POOP sample. POOP... God bless it!

2) I get to work late, meaning I've gotta stay there until 6pm and it's VERY dark by that time. UGH. And rainy, more UGH!

3) All day I am linguistically challenged. My emails make no sense, I have to retype everything because I can't spell or be grammatically correct for the life of me. It does make for some very interesting moments though.

4) I learn from a co-worker (who went to take her old medications to a local hospital that was having one of their Bring in Your Old Medications Day, to encourage not flushing expired/no longer using meds down the toilet or sink) that in some town reservoirs there is a therapeutic level of medication in the water. Therapeutic level. Therapeutic for whom? And people wonder why there are rising rates of all sorts of fuckedupedness going on with humans in today's world.

5) I'm getting all creative in the kitchen. This weekend I made a Mexican Casserole from a recipe in my head that just needs minor changes the next time I make it - like the cheese will go on top of the tomato/bean/carrot mix instead of being directly on the top. Don't get me wrong. I love brown cheese, but Mexican Casseroles need melty cheese as well. I made Twice Baked Mashed Potatos tonight using my twice baked potato recipe. It's such a pain in the ass (and takes so freakin' long) to bake the potatos and cut them in half and scoop out their guts and then mix with the other ingredients, that I just short cutted the whole process by using little red potatos, boiled them up, mashed them up with the cream chz, mixed the red+orange+yellow pepper/green onions/bacon bits, dumped it in a casserole dish, and baked the whole damn thing until the potato white horses on top became golden brown. I figured out the calories by dividing by 10 servings and a serving is 302 calories. Yes! will go well with steamed yellow cauliflower on the side for dinner. This will balance out the 502 calorie serving of Mexican Casserole for lunches.

6) I still cannot access the $14.99 deal for Verizon DSL. Starting to get irritated. I guess I'm going to have to call the number provided. Fat lot of good that will do. I was told talking to a real person is NOT going to get me that deal. I may have to pull the super sweet bitch card and pray I don't get outsourced to India.

7) Now let's see. That makes 5 different swear words in one post. Ooooh, this will make my mother wish she had a bar of soap and wonder exactly what she and Dad paid for for my college eddication!


Joanne S said...

I would worry more about theraputic levels of drugs in the water with regards to smaller mammals. Like children and pets. Big people would only get a whiff.

And I can talk all swearing EXCEPT for one word. Well, there are others but no one I know says those.

I do remember washing someone's mouth out with bar soap.

Samantha said...

That would be me and I believe it may have been an Ivory soap bar, or Zest. It was VERY sharp tasting.