Tuesday, May 22, 2007

It's Official, I'm a Geek and Totally Non-PC

The geekishness because this weekend I pre-ordered the new Flash Gordon/Savior of the Universe DVD at my local Borders.

The totally non-PCness is that I used the word "gay" in conversation while ordering said DVD to describe Timothy Dalton in his little green Robin Hood-like costume and as I was speaking with a possibly alternative life-style clerk, I quickly followed said non-PC comment with "gaily frolicking through the Trees", so's to not give him the wrong idea that I'm an inappropriate shoe-leather eating social hermit that should only be allowed out with trained staff.

1 comment:

Madpuppy said...

Hmmm... let's see- the movie has a soundtrack by Queen, an ultra-beefcake-y lead, and is wildly off the camp-o-meter. Frankly, I think this movie is kryptonite to homophobes, so the clerk probably didn't think you were too un-PC.