Driving around for work today, almost every street had a dead animal on it. Someone zigged when they should have zagged and ended up losing the game of life. Zero points. All done. Hope the drivers were suitably upset they hit an animal, but that's being optimistic as I know drivers who try to hit them on purpose or don't friggin' care. Years ago I cried for two hours after I unavoidably hit a squirrel... it dithered itself under my tires when I'd already completed an animal avoidance swerve and would have missed him if he hadn't suddenly changed his little mind.
Dermatologist appointment today. I had two areas of concern on my face looked at. Turns out it was Telangliectasia, otherwise known as spider veins. They can appear on the face in prepubescence and go away or appear during pregnancy and again go away after awhile. Obviously mine was neither as I had the one under my eye since college and it's been slowly increasing in size and the one on my nose just showed up three years ago and I mistakenly thought it was a zit gone horribly horribly wrong. So she ended up zapping them right in the office - what a snappy electric zip of a pain. The one on my nose only got one zap but the one under my eye got about 5. She said to give it a month and if the "legs" of the spider under my eye aren't entirely gone, she can do a touch up. Apparently the middle "feeds" the "legs" and she thinks since she multi-zapped the middle I should be fine but if not, to come on back in. I was worried I had something bad, nice to know it's benign and easily taken care of.
Dandelion cleaning happened after I got home from the doctor's. I like to root out the spring dandies as it's less work and less unsightly for the rest of the spring and summer. Got a wheelbarrowful of them. All done until the next phase raises their little yellow heads...
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