Monday, December 08, 2008

So My Car Spoke To Me Today

Yes, you read that right and no, I'm not ready to be straightjacketed directly to the Loony Bin (do not pass GO).

My car just let me know that my tire pressure was "unacceptably low" and I needed to fix this issue right away.

Good thing I was on my way to my usual gas station where I can freely pull the "helpless girl" card and have someone assist me with air in my tires.

Now, I can do this, but it was F-n' freezing (-4* with the windchill) and I didn't have time to practice my air-in-the-tire skills as I was on my way to an appointment.

I stayed outside with the helpful gas station DooBee, so I did suffer the extreme temps, but they did the work efficiently and effortlessly for me.

And I only had to pay .50 cents for air.

For air.

I'd say spending .50 cents for service with a smile in subzero temps was worth every penny!

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