Tuesday, January 15, 2008

How Uncouth Am I?

Well, I'll tell you how abysmally unladylike I've been.

Shoveling mid-calf high snow last night from my driveway was tough going.

Not only was I bundled up like a toddler with 4 layers on top (T-shirt, long sleeve shirt, sweatshirt, windbreaker, and winter pullover) and 3 layers on bottom (long undies, sweatpants, and snowpants) but I had ski socks on, two sets of mittens, a neck gator, a fleece headband, and a hat.

So saying I was warm while heaving snow would be an understatement. But taking off a layer was not okay because it was 9:00pm (and I shoveled until 11:00pm), the wind was blowing, and the windchill factor was in play. And I don't participate in the Frostbite Games.

So anyway, being all warm and physically active meant my nose was running to beat the band.

With two sets of mittens on, fine motor skills were nonexistant. Opening my front pocket, getting the paper towel out, and positioned over my nose was not happening.

What did I do? (Coz traipsing into the house every 5 minutes was not an option.)

I put my mittens along side my nose and BLEW into the piles on either side of my driveway. Effectively solving my problem.

Sort of like hawking a loogie from my nostrils if you will.

Thank goodness the neighbor walking his dog passed by before I had my brainwave.

Ladylike? Absolutely not.

Did it do the job? Yes indeedy do!

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