Monday, December 17, 2007

Operation Shovel Up After a Shitstorm Complete

So Sunday morning I wake up to this little fella...

I had no idea squirrels braved nor'easters to dig for food. Quite the fur coat and muff he's got going on. I just felt for him, if you click to see bigger you'll see the snow all over his face and between his ears.

This one came in the afternoon as you can tell by the difference in the amount of snow piled up on the feeder. Both of them dug to find the sunflower seeds I'd put out Saturday morning.

Luckily I shoveled the 6+ inches that had fallen late afternoon before the storm turned to rain. So ALL I had to shovel at 10pm was two inches. Snort. Those two inches were heavier than the 6+ inches. One third water, one third snow, one third ice - HEAVY. And stuck to my shovel so on my upswing to get the crap over the waist high piles on either side of my driveway, I ended up going with the shovel coz the immoveable weight took me along for the ride! I can't tell you how many times I almost crashed and froze. I almost gave up quite a few times. Boy am I so glad I didn't - it all turned to ice over night and wasn't going anywhere this morning. I had to chip the end-of-the-driveway-snowplow-came-in-the-middle-of-the-night remains this morning. Bummer.

I'm exhausted. Typing was an unbelievable chore today, as was just sitting.

1 comment:

Renee said...

The abominable-squirrel. scary