Tuesday, January 05, 2010

About Time, No?

I see my mom has been the busy bee with positive new year energy with all her cleaning, sorting, organizing, giving away, and projecting.

I also have positive new year energy going but it's of a different sort than Mom's. I did dust, vacuum, and de-clutter some visible piles on the Wednesday before New Yrs along with a medium deep cleaning of the bathroom to start the new year off right. Let's just say I spent Thursday early morning and day doing things that I should do more of with the emphasis being on "letting go and enjoying the moment". Thursday night my friend J, who came up for the holidays, and I celebrated by having a wonderful time talking and laughing locally. She came over afterwards and was my "first foot" guest. Dark haired and dark eyed people as your first visitors of the new year are supposedly lucky. I fed her pierogis and she got back to where she was staying safely.

New Year's Day I maxed and relaxed in my PJs, sleeping in, and reading with the cats. Then on Saturday evening I shoveled. Then on Sunday morning I shoveled some goddamned more. Luckily my snow-blowin' neighbor helped out by blowing the pile at the end of my driveway that was up to my boobies and would have taken me another hour on top of the 2.5 hours I'd already spent. Sunday evening was spent popping Aleve curled up in my living room nest under a down blanket fighting with Hobbes who kept digging his bony paws into all the fresh bruises on my knees and shins courtesy of pushing the heavy snow-filled shovel over side-of-driveway piles repeatedly. Shoveling with me is an all-body experience thus the aches from a slew of brand new bi/tri-cep, back, butt, thigh, calf, abs, obliques, and even hand/wrist muscles. Think this means increased physical activity during the new year...?

This morning I found out that I'm a murderer. I bought a lawn treatment for getting rid of ants the beginning of last summer but never got around to spreading it on the lawn. I figured I'd do it in the spring. Well, it appears ant poison is looking mighty tasty to some neighborhood critters who have been breaking into my garage, busting holes in the metallic bags, and creating piles of the stuff all along the side of my garage. I shoveled it all into plastic litter containers with lids but I'm sure in my heart that it's too late and there are some dead little furries somewhere close by. What a way to start the day today.

Suffice to say - aches are gone, bruises still here, bathroom still clean, dust re-assembling as I live and breathe, the Xmas tree down and taken by the garbage gremlins, decorations all packed away, haven't found any little bodies yet, my hair is fabulous, turmeric still working, sleep continues to be elusive on alternate nights, my parents are great, my co-workers are funny, my friends are wonderful, and my cats still love me even tho I made them wait until 9am all New Yrs weekend for breakfast each day.

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