Wednesday, November 04, 2009

I Have Had Quite the Day

First, Moomin greeted me after my shower with "in and out" litter box behavior. I immediately checked the box and found numerous small pee clumps that Moomin had considerately scattered all over the boxes which made cleaning up a tremendous treat.

I worried all morning but could do nothing about it so off to work and meetings. Second meeting cancelled after I arrived. I'd missed the flea infestation message. I decided to reschedule.

Driving on my way back from the cancelled meeting, I heard this massive KAH-POW!!! and the ass-end of the truck in front of me did this lifting shimmy. I braked to slow down but I didn't see anything. While I was trying to decide what to do, suddenly all these black fragments came spewing out from under the truck. I executed a majorly fast lane switch! Then because the truck driver finally realized something happened and pulled over into the breakdown lane, I had to switch lanes again coz he hadn't fully committed to the breakdown lane.

Get to work, called the vet at 3pm, they strongly suggested I bring Moomin in due to his past history of bladder issues, I did, got him there, he got sniffed by a very old black lab with dribble issues, and come to find out the office gremlins have done away with Moomin's file. The vet's assistant said this tends to happen, the folders sometimes get put back inside another file, and she has a DooBee who comes in once a month to go thru all the files to look for stuff like this. She said the files have always turned up. I didn't mention my special Murphy's Law luck. Let them be perky and optimistic.

Tonight when I go to bed, I have to shut Moomin up in the spare bedroom with water and a box with a sprinkling of black non-absorbent pellets to catch a pee sample tonight. The vet's assistant thinks this plan of action is going to work. Again with letting them be perky and optimistic. I know that Moomin isn't going to pee in a practically empty litter box with some strange little black pellets that don't even cover the bottom of the box and he's going to yodel by the door all night. Doodle, Houdini girl that she is, is going to spend the night trying her damndest to get the door open. Sleep, HAH! I think I prefer staying up and following Moomin around all night to get a pee sample to the special kind of hell that will be tonight.

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