Tuesday, January 13, 2009

We Gots Chilly Willies All Up In Here

What do males do when it's this friggin' cold? Do their male parts try to do the whole male bird maneuver and tuck themselves up into somewhere warm? Do they even make underwear with warm padding that insulates the family jewels from freezing right off? What happens to male self-esteem when it's this cold?

Seriously, if I wasn't PMSing, my boobilicious parts would be at least 2 sizes smaller.

And as soon as I walk outside, my boogers get all ice-crackley in my nose. Not the most comfortable feeling.

I just saw on the news a place so cold, a guy threw water into the air and it came down as snow. How fun is that? Snow you make right in front of yourself? Too bad it has to be that f-in' cold for you do that little amazing party trick.

1 comment:

Madpuppy said...

What do males do when it's this friggin' cold?

I would refer you to that one episode of Seinfeld where George had to deal with the effects of "shrinkage".