Sunday, January 04, 2009

Food Dispenser, Toy Retriever, Surfboard

Sometimes I think that's all I am to the feline herd that hogs 2/3s of my living space and life.

But then I am always surprised by the individual morning love fests from each kitto.

Doodle wakes me up by leaning on my head and licking any skin showing out from under the covers. She will lay down on my shoulder and put her side up against my cheek and purr for almost an hour if that's how long it takes me to decide to get up. It's a nice warm cozy loving way to wake up to the day.

Hobbes will hang out on the bathroom sink and wait for me to get out of the shower so he can give me headbutts and nose-kisses. And because he's so reserved and squirrely, the fact he makes a point to put aside his general avoidance of the other cats makes his effort to let me know he loves me all the more touching.

Moomin will not even wait for me to get out of the shower. Sometimes he shoves the curtain aside to see if I'm done yet. Then when the water is off and I'm in my robe towelling up my hair in the stall (it's too cold to just jump right out), he will loft himself onto my shoulders, chainsaw-purring up a veritable storm. He sometimes gets his paws wrapped up in the towel but he backs up to get ready for when I stand up so that he can balance on my shoulders. Then I fold my arms up and he steps on to them and gives me a plethora of headbutts, butt shots (coz he's walking back and forth on my arms), and nose-kisses. He loves it when I headbutt him back and rub my cheeks and chin on his cheeks and forehead. We do this for about 2 minutes. Pure purring love.

I'm very thankful and grateful for the wonderful start to each and every day.

1 comment:

Joanna Stein said...

I think the think I miss most about my Chase is the morning time cuddle. I would get out of the shower and go back into the bedroom and she would put her paws on my toweled chest and wait for me to scoop her up and hold her for a much time as I have.

Kitty love is the best.