Monday, September 10, 2007

The Name Game

I saw this on AllSorts blog and thought it was good for a laugh. I made some changes to some of the ways to get the names in an effort to help keep your real ones private and to be more fitting for the type of name AND I added a few of my own "name" ideas. Follow the directions indicated in the parentheses to get your name!

Rockstar name: (first pet + first car) Cooter Coupe

Gangsta name: (favorite ice-cream + favorite domesticated animal) Mint Cat (my co-worker is CookieDough Dog!)

Fly Girl/Guy name: (first initial of first name + first 2 letters of last name) S-Su

Detective name: (street you lived on as a kid that you can remember + favorite mystery author’s last name) Pepperwood Allingham

StarWars name: (first 3 letters of pet’s name + first 2 letters of your first name) Hob-Sa aka Doo-Sa aka Moo-Sa

Super Hero name: (“The” + favorite color + favorite alcoholic beverage) The Black Slambo

Nascar name: (using the first names of your grandfathers but shortening one to be one syllable and adding ie/y to the other) Frankie Jules

Stripper name: (favorite scent + favorite candy) Cherry Whopper

Weather Anchor name: (favorite teacher’s last name + major city that starts with same letter) Pickerel Paris

Drag Queen name: (favorite flower + favorite weather element) Hydrangea Thunder

Hippy name: (your typical breakfast + favorite tree) Oatmeal Golden Chain

Cartoon Character name: (favorite toy as a kid + favorite baby animal) Barbie Kitty

Cowboy name: (weapon or ammunition + natural disaster you have an affinity for) Shotgun Tsunami

White Trash Trailer Park name: (seafood item + stinky body part) Tuna Pits

Grey’s Anatomy nickname: (Mc + an apt adjective that applies to you) McBlivious

Rapper name: (felonious action + favorite appetizer) Trippin’ Dip (my other co-worker is Tokin' Popper!)

Mob name: (pick a RatPacker + “the” + your least favorite body part + first 3-4 letters of your last name with an Italian ending like –ucci, -tolli, -letti, -otti, -lini, -one, -pio) Sammy, the Nose, Sulucci

Chief name: (“Chief” + favorite outdoor activity + favorite undomesticated animal) Chief Skiing Mountain Lion

SpongeBob SquarePants name: (favorite water critter + your one syllable nickname + one of your favorite adjective + “pants”) OtterSam FartyPants

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