Sunday, May 06, 2012

Portents in Cat Pee Clumps

Signs, omens, portents, symbols, beacons, and guideposts are everywhere, especially if you are looking for them.

I just didn't think I'd necessarily find them in clumps of cat urine when I wasn't looking for any messages.

My kittos' pee is typically in just clumps that don't look like anything but lumps of clay. 

But this morning there were two that were in recognizable shapes. And I mean, no question, I scooped and there was no hesitation in thinking "oh, this one looks like this and that one looks like that".

I wonder if they mean anything?

If so, the Universe has a strange sense of humor in putting portents in my cats' pee...


Anonymous said...

So, what were the shapes? UFO's? Rainbows and unicorns? Enquiring minds wanna know!

Fun writing, as always!


Anonymous said...

YEAH>>>>>What was the shape!!!!