Saturday, February 13, 2010

Howdy Ho!

Here's the trio trying hard to guilt me into turning the heat up more!

It's been a crazy week and I am exhausted mentally!

My friend J has been trying to find another apt to live in and she's been dealing with that all week and it's been stressful for her and for me knowing she's having a tough time. But she's been approved and will have a great place to live while saving some money which is sorely needed.

People at work seem stressed too. Lots of personal and work issues going around.

My issue has been PMS which is such a delight in of itself, no need for additional stress. And I've been craving junk food like crazy. Well, let me amend that, not so much junk food as SUPER tasty you-shouldn't-have-it-every-day food because it will end up on your butt and thighs and midsection! So last night Mr. L and I had these boneless chicken things from the local grocery store's a la carte and baked potato salad. When I stopped at the store, they hadn't put the a la carte stuff out yet. I got a DooBee to help me and while what I wanted wasn't quite ready, he offered to fill up the containers and save them for me while I got the rest of my stuff. Super nice of him. So my craving was filled and I had a wonderful dinner with wonderful company.

How are my cats doing with the company? After initial typical cat-caution, Moomin now rubs his head all over Mr. L. Hobbes comes out when we are quietly sitting on the couch watching Two And Half Men and stares at him. Doodle finally came out a few times yesterday and even jumped on the ottoman next to Mr. L's legs. Yes she did! I was very impressed. She stayed for a little while and then went back into hiding. It's progress!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Slambo, what camera are you using? I must have been many posts ago. Please remind me, I am looking at cameras at the moment.