Monday, February 01, 2010

Doin' the Poopie Dance

Some people do the "peepee" dance.

I've been doing the "poopie" dance all day today and not for the gastrointestinal reasons you might be thinking of, minds out of the toilet please!

See, Hobber (pictured in the heading, he is beautiful, thanks Anonymous) went to the vet last Monday and Dr. H felt an anomaly in or on Hobbes' intestine. He didn't know if it was a tumor or a stool, so we scheduled Hobbes to come back in to be felt up today. If it was still there, it was most likely a tumor. If it was gone, it was stool.

Results of the feeling up? It was POOP! Thank god! I have been crossing my fingers for poop for a week and I've had my closest friends prayin' for poop too!

And he's fine.

(Which makes my innards feel much better.)

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