Friday, October 10, 2008

Hot Time In The Old Town Tonite!

Pictures are tribute to the squirrels who didn't make it through this week!

I off early from work, did some errands, got home, and my mom called me. The power was off on her street and she couldn't get into the house and needed my key.

Hey, totally funny thing just now happened. Doodle the wonder cat just brought me the plastic cat food can cover. Brought it to me and dropped it at my feet and then headbutted my knee to get my attention. She is sooo smart but soooo not so smart as I'm not feeding them furry critters two dinners. Apparently my homecoming, no matter the time or how many times, is a signal for eating. So are my showers no matter what time of day I take them.

I got to mom's and she said she heard that a squirrel played and lost against electricity. Yup. Transformer a la fried squirrel. Poor thing. Same thing happened on my street earlier this week. I came home and couldn't figure out why the garage door wouldn't open.

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