Who in their right mind would want to eat something that not only looks supremely unappetizing but may induce violent bathroom going?

Where I come from, celery is green.

This one is here just on the principle I don't eat mouth parts.

This one's "lovely and inviting to the tummy" color earned it a spot on my list. And it's molding.

The intense plumpness and pinkness is just disturbing.

The first dish on the list that resembles baby poop. And made out of liver no less.

Ham should be in typical "ham" form or in deli slices or bacon, never a ring!

I'm betting the surprise is the Pepto-Bismal pink sauce...

The color alone gets MY tastebuds all a-quiver, in a pre-vomit sort of way.

Tomatos are best in their natural state, at least in their natural state they don't resemble congealed blood in an unappetizing mold form decorated with olives.

This one is wrong on so many levels. It's still got eyes for Goodness Sakes! And that's the least of the wrongness!

The second dish that looks like baby poop, or rather, diarrhea. I thought sweet potatoes were orange.

This one looks like preserved vomit.

This one doesn't have a recipe but I had to show it simply for the encased floating shrimp combined with the lime green color. Stomach turning.

It's a little hard to tell, but these eggs are englobed in clear gelatin or aspic. As are the decorations on the eggs. Just makes you want to POP one into your mouth!

And my all time favorite... vomit suspended in a clear gelatin mold.
1 comment:
You are having way too much fun with that box of "goodies". I liked the floating shrimp. yum yum.
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