I thought I would take another spider picture and I found that when I cropped and enlarged it afterwards, you can see the light reflecting off the spider's eyes and all his (or her) fuzzy bits. Click to see bigger and you'll see why I'm so impressed with my camera, not to mention my picture taking abilities, ahem...

This little critter-dude came by only to fill up his cheeks. He made many trips and then disappeared for the day.

This critter, on the other hand, comes every damn day and stuffs his tummy full of sunflower seeds.

This would be a more vivid picture but all the yellow finches have turned brown in prep for winter coming. Usually there is some squabbling as to who's turn on which perch.

And finally the Masked Bandit Threesome. They actually pulled one of the feeders down so hard it boomeranged the hook off the porch and out into the yard. I really haven't seen them since.
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