I can't take all the credit for this idea. I saw it on the site "All Sorts" (see my links list) and thought the idea was great. I made this for my mother for Christmas. She liked it but her enjoyment was conditional. She would like me to "move beyond primary colors". I was not thinking "primary", just that red, green, yellow, and white are Christmasy colors. She plans to change the background. And the next time I make this, I need to trim the corners of the top flaps and make them curved to avoid the corner look they are sporting right now. I agree, but I had already made about 4 of them when I realized I had forgotten to do that step. But for a first time doing a project like this, I was very impressed with my ingenuity and creativeness. The little circles are circle tags with stamps stamped in them, in Christmasy colors to match the embroidery floss, of course. I'm all about the matching! They go in the little felt envelopes and you can hang them on the green rods. So it turns out to be a tree of decorations. I plan on making another one for myself. Maybe if I am feeling all ambitious and crap, I might make one for my brother.

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