Ever feel like you are going so fast you stay in one place?
That’s me.
Buried under paperwork that I manage to complete by the end of each day only to have it mysteriously re-appear in the morning.
Playing constant Phone Tag with everyone connected with everyone’s case.
Trying to fit in walks to increase my steps number.
Constantly scribbling down things I need to remember to follow-up on or remember coz my memory seems to have decided to play Charades and has gotten stuck on imitating Swiss Cheese and it’s soooo not amusing.
Projects completed and new ones cropping up like hydra-heads.
And now I have been scheduled to teach an “Autism 101” training in February. So I’ve been organizing my thoughts, materials, visuals, handouts, and worksheets in all my spare moments, AND trying to reassure myself that “I can do this, I’ve done it before the management, damnit, and they all responded positively to my presentation!!! I can do this!”
Having to monitor each cat’s meal intake because one prefers to not finish his helping at all, one is a Hoover vacuum and finishes his before everyone else, and one dawdles to “savor” her meal and finishes last and to prevent overeating on the vacuum’s part, I have to stand there like a detention room teacher and keep everyone in their place while pampering the non-finisher to try to get him to EAT HIS ENTIRE MEAL!
Once again, ruining a contact lens this morning because some sort of adhesive substance that cannot be removed by any means possible appeared on it despite my taking the proactive precautions of wetting all fingers involved in touching a lens with saline solution. So now the total is 4 months’ worth of lenses destroyed. Money down the toilet, literally, coz that’s where useless lenses go to die. So I have an appointment with the eye doctor today to see what is going on and because I am completely out of lenses for my left eye and it’s too damn cold to be farting around in glasses.
Hobbes just ate a boatload of plastic baggie yesterday evening and so now I am on “poop and butt patrol” to make sure his works don’t get gummed up and everything comes all out okay. That’s what the pre-dinner pumpkin appetizer is for… natural fiber and roughage to facilitate hairballs and whatever else they may have snarfed up that I don’t know about. Moomin has been eating the feathers from my down comforter. God help me.
And forgetting every blog post idea because I have ADD and get distracted and forget the ideas before I can write them down because, ooh look at that, you want me to do what, hey can I touch that, what is that, so you and your boyfriend did what, I have to do what by when, is that message for me, you don’t say, oh you do say, what’s that smell – smells like something is lit in my house and so I have to spend 20 minutes trying to find what it is and finally discovering the woodstove smoke smell from a neighbor down the street is seeping into my home to press every goddamn panic button I have!
Hope you all are having a good day! Speed well!
That’s me.
Buried under paperwork that I manage to complete by the end of each day only to have it mysteriously re-appear in the morning.
Playing constant Phone Tag with everyone connected with everyone’s case.
Trying to fit in walks to increase my steps number.
Constantly scribbling down things I need to remember to follow-up on or remember coz my memory seems to have decided to play Charades and has gotten stuck on imitating Swiss Cheese and it’s soooo not amusing.
Projects completed and new ones cropping up like hydra-heads.
And now I have been scheduled to teach an “Autism 101” training in February. So I’ve been organizing my thoughts, materials, visuals, handouts, and worksheets in all my spare moments, AND trying to reassure myself that “I can do this, I’ve done it before the management, damnit, and they all responded positively to my presentation!!! I can do this!”
Having to monitor each cat’s meal intake because one prefers to not finish his helping at all, one is a Hoover vacuum and finishes his before everyone else, and one dawdles to “savor” her meal and finishes last and to prevent overeating on the vacuum’s part, I have to stand there like a detention room teacher and keep everyone in their place while pampering the non-finisher to try to get him to EAT HIS ENTIRE MEAL!
Once again, ruining a contact lens this morning because some sort of adhesive substance that cannot be removed by any means possible appeared on it despite my taking the proactive precautions of wetting all fingers involved in touching a lens with saline solution. So now the total is 4 months’ worth of lenses destroyed. Money down the toilet, literally, coz that’s where useless lenses go to die. So I have an appointment with the eye doctor today to see what is going on and because I am completely out of lenses for my left eye and it’s too damn cold to be farting around in glasses.
Hobbes just ate a boatload of plastic baggie yesterday evening and so now I am on “poop and butt patrol” to make sure his works don’t get gummed up and everything comes all out okay. That’s what the pre-dinner pumpkin appetizer is for… natural fiber and roughage to facilitate hairballs and whatever else they may have snarfed up that I don’t know about. Moomin has been eating the feathers from my down comforter. God help me.
And forgetting every blog post idea because I have ADD and get distracted and forget the ideas before I can write them down because, ooh look at that, you want me to do what, hey can I touch that, what is that, so you and your boyfriend did what, I have to do what by when, is that message for me, you don’t say, oh you do say, what’s that smell – smells like something is lit in my house and so I have to spend 20 minutes trying to find what it is and finally discovering the woodstove smoke smell from a neighbor down the street is seeping into my home to press every goddamn panic button I have!
Hope you all are having a good day! Speed well!

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