Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Hard to Believe...

... something as innocent looking as this can be so puzzling to a trained specialist.

The eye doctor saw the adhesive whatchamacallit on the lens, so I'm NOT imagining it. But he has NO idea what it could be, it's not coming from my hands, and it resembles protein but "not exactly" which could be because both the eye doctor (at the appointment) and I (this morning in the mistaken belief I could "out damned spot" it) rubbed the shit out of the schmear to absolutely no effect.

So upshot, I get two free sample lenses, a free mini sample of "Blink and Clean" eye drops to start using 3x a day, and a free medium sample of a new cleaner to try every other day.

Basically he thinks I'm secreting an excess of protein in my tears that is potentially be-smearing my lenses. We'll see how the new regimen goes.

Life in Fast Forward and I've Lost the Remote

Ever feel like you are going so fast you stay in one place?

That’s me.

Buried under paperwork that I manage to complete by the end of each day only to have it mysteriously re-appear in the morning.

Playing constant Phone Tag with everyone connected with everyone’s case.

Trying to fit in walks to increase my steps number.

Constantly scribbling down things I need to remember to follow-up on or remember coz my memory seems to have decided to play Charades and has gotten stuck on imitating Swiss Cheese and it’s soooo not amusing.

Projects completed and new ones cropping up like hydra-heads.

And now I have been scheduled to teach an “Autism 101” training in February. So I’ve been organizing my thoughts, materials, visuals, handouts, and worksheets in all my spare moments, AND trying to reassure myself that “I can do this, I’ve done it before the management, damnit, and they all responded positively to my presentation!!! I can do this!”

Having to monitor each cat’s meal intake because one prefers to not finish his helping at all, one is a Hoover vacuum and finishes his before everyone else, and one dawdles to “savor” her meal and finishes last and to prevent overeating on the vacuum’s part, I have to stand there like a detention room teacher and keep everyone in their place while pampering the non-finisher to try to get him to EAT HIS ENTIRE MEAL!

Once again, ruining a contact lens this morning because some sort of adhesive substance that cannot be removed by any means possible appeared on it despite my taking the proactive precautions of wetting all fingers involved in touching a lens with saline solution. So now the total is 4 months’ worth of lenses destroyed. Money down the toilet, literally, coz that’s where useless lenses go to die. So I have an appointment with the eye doctor today to see what is going on and because I am completely out of lenses for my left eye and it’s too damn cold to be farting around in glasses.

Hobbes just ate a boatload of plastic baggie yesterday evening and so now I am on “poop and butt patrol” to make sure his works don’t get gummed up and everything comes all out okay. That’s what the pre-dinner pumpkin appetizer is for… natural fiber and roughage to facilitate hairballs and whatever else they may have snarfed up that I don’t know about. Moomin has been eating the feathers from my down comforter. God help me.

And forgetting every blog post idea because I have ADD and get distracted and forget the ideas before I can write them down because, ooh look at that, you want me to do what, hey can I touch that, what is that, so you and your boyfriend did what, I have to do what by when, is that message for me, you don’t say, oh you do say, what’s that smell – smells like something is lit in my house and so I have to spend 20 minutes trying to find what it is and finally discovering the woodstove smoke smell from a neighbor down the street is seeping into my home to press every goddamn panic button I have!
Hope you all are having a good day! Speed well!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Poem for Thursday

Here’s a poem I wrote back in my college days about a very unhealthy and damaging relationship that I got out of and finally got closure 2 years after it ended.
… No title.

You whispered sweet and honeyed words in my ear
You expected me to fall on my knees and hold you near
You smiled at me and caressed away every fear
You set me high up on a pedestal
Then you schemed to make me fall
Your schizophrenic tendencies were all
That was needed to
Make me doubt myself
Renounce myself
Lose myself
I would cover my mental bruises with the shredded lace of my self esteem
Unable to predict next the face of tenderness or the face of cruelty
I blindly hid in the arms of your smothering selfish embrace
Competing against me, you turned everything into some sick and twisted race
Mistakenly hoping there was something I could change
To make things as they were once before
Still you shackled me to you more and more
No escape for the weary, no reward for the meek
So I gathered all the moments that I knew now were false treasures
Took all the times of your twisted pleasures
And ground them to dust on your black heart
Then turned away
Praying there was enough of me left to make a new start

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Ooops! Forgotten Weirdness

7) I used to believe the cords on the electrical things in my room would unplug themselves and slither under my bed, all twined together like snakes. If I moved or tried to get out of bed, they would zip out from under my bed superfast, shoot up the side, and either ZAP me or wrap around me with the plug-head "staring" at me. Made for some uncomfortable nights. I also thought my toys came to life if I was mean to them.

8) When getting on escalators, I make sure my shoes are securely tied and I don't have anything hanging off my clothing that could get caught because I have frightening visions of losing my pants/skirt and my shoes in front of tons of people.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Six Weird Things About Me

On two of my blog links (All Sorts and Posie Gets Cozy), they were tagged to do this “6 Weird Things about You” meme (again, what the hell does this word mean!?!?). Here’s my version but you don’t have to consider yourself tagged unless you want to or you have some overwhelming OCD urge to do so.

1) I ate a homemade PB sandwich for lunch every day from Kindergarten to 7th-8th grade. On weekends, I lobbied for PB and Bacon sandwiches (so yummy!).

2) I had an invisible imaginary cat as a pet for years until I managed to convince my mom to get our first real cat when I was in the 6th grade. The imaginary cat was a big white fluffy long-haired cat with green eyes; very unlike my past and current cats. I love me my short-haired non-matting cats.

3) I can fit my entire fist in my mouth, well, as least I think I can, it's been a while since I've tried this particular trick. It was a great money-maker on bets and free drink-getter (with the guys not realizing there would be ABSOLUTELY NO drunken follow-thru! I have standards you know!)

4) I cannot stand the feel of my nails running across denim or a denim-like fabric. Huge heebeegeebies and goosebumps!

5) I tap my books constantly when I read, usually with florist wire cut down to appropriate book size. I have a hard time concentrating on reading if I’m not tapping the book. I can “not tap” in public so I don’t irritate other people and/or make myself stick out like a freak.

6) I will do whatever I need to do to avoid using any bathroom other than my own. Public restrooms are off limits and the office bathrooms/friend’s houses are only for dire emergencies. I totally make sure I’m pottied before I go somewhere and drink sparingly while out and about. Yes, I know this is an “unhealthy” behavior. Yes, I have perfected the “hover method” but I prefer to use my own bathroom and not have to use said method. Yes, my doctor has spoken to me about this. Yes, I concede there are times when it is unavoidable, but I do my best to plan to make sure the unavoidable doesn’t happen.

... And So the Unexpectedness Continues...

This morning after shoveling light fluffy and sparkly snow and my shower, Moomin and I finished our daily love-fest ritual (headbutts, nose-kisses, butt shots, forehead rubs, nose rubs, cheek rubs, etc and the occasional munch on my wet hair while he’s in my arms). Then I went into my bedroom to moisturize my face. (Silly, you can’t have a love-fest if you’ve already put moisturizer on, then it’s all over the cat!)

I go back into the bathroom to comb out the tangles when I notice spots of blood on the toilet lid. So I’m standing there in a white robe trying to figure out where the blood is coming from coz I can’t find any on me or the white robe when I dimly recall hearing Moomin jump on the toilet.

I track him down. Take him to the bedroom, flip him on his belly, and check his paws. Nothing. I check his belly. Nothing. I check his face. I don’t see anything until I wipe my finger across his very wet black nose. BLOOD! And lots of it!

So minor panic sets in! He just love-fested me not more than two minutes ago and now he’s got a bloody nose. I get more tissues and the flashlight. While wiping, I’m shining the light right up his nose to determine what’s going on to lead to blood.

I can’t find anything and Moomin finally lost his patience with me so I let him go. I call the vet and they said to bring him right in. I pack him up in the cat carrier and walk to the vet. So exciting! I must have looked worried coz two people stopped to let me cross the uncrosswalked street. Blessings on them for the rest of their day. The vet checks him over and thinks one of the other cats swiped him and caught a claw in his nasal area. “And this will ooze and bleed for some time as facial injuries tend to do this, so you might want to confine him to a small area to prevent him from marking up your stuff.”

Like that’s going to work. Between Houdini Doodlebug and MuscleMan Moomin, no door in my house stays shut for very long unless I secure it with rope or something of that sort. So he marks up my house with little blood schmears *shrug*. Club soda will take care of it. I’m hoping he just naps ‘til I get home.

And the vet said it most likely won’t get infected but I will have to check to see if it is bleeding when I get home from work, coz if it is, that indicates a possibly serious problem. I’ve got my mental fingers crossed.

Oh, and Moomin weighs 12.20 pounds. Of course he be-smeared the scale. Good thing I started his adult weight maintenance food. HUGE and bleeding!

Golden sides of the coin: I noticed his nose issue obviously right after whatever it was happened. I was able to squeak into the vet before work. Dr. Horgan thinks it will be fine. And I can clean blood schmears with club soda.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Talk About the Unexpectedness of Daily Life

So, I was expecting a Lazy PJ Weekend this weekend and I did have that expectation met on Saturday. Got up kinda late, meandered into town to cash my tiny mileage check, had someone follow me to the bank to let me know my right front tire was FLAT, had to pay .75 cents to get AIR (the stuff we breathe!), bought my Grampa diabetic socks at the Sock Emporium that is Grand City, picked up my complimentary sets of “pay as you go garbage bags” (whafa!) with my coupon at the local grocery store, and got home to catch up on my reading/napping with cats. On late Sunday afternoon, I wandered out to the garage to throw the cat poop/pee away and decided to check on the status of my tire.

Half-FLAT! No way in hell I’m making it to the gas station with free air on Monday.

So the busyness factor of Sunday increased by 100%.

I called the local VIP and their tire tech just left coz his kid was sick.

I called the next town over’s VIP, “Come on in!”

I get there and it’s an awe-inspiring wait as the one VIP guy behind the desk went all Don Knotts and took forever to twitch his way thru helping everyone in turn. Finally my turn…

I listened to the tire hoopla “we can repair the tire if it’s in the middle of the tread, but if it is on the side, we can’t fix it.” Since I am Murphy’s Law Girl, I asked what the options are if they can’t fix it. I get the spare tire, new tire, etc spiel.

I waited in the waiting room for what seemed like forever (most likely 15 minutes or so) and the first time Don Knotts came up to me, he has my air filter with him. He showed me how black it was and as “it’s part of our 12 point courtesy inspection, he advised I replace it.” I give the go ahead and about 15 minutes later, Don Knotts again approached but this time with my tire with a big-ass something-or-other impaling it to show where the hole is… and it’s not in the middle of the tread. Murphy’s Law is now in full effect.

He told me they CANNOT fix it, he doesn’t have a tire with a tread that matches my current tread in stock, and rambled on. I blanked him out and thought my own thoughts which consisted of, “hmmmm I wonder how close I am to needing new tires, should be real soon”. He paused for breath and I jumped in with my new tire question. He got his handy-dandy tire tread measurer out and informed me (while showing me the measurement) that “I had at most this coming summer’s worth of time on them”.

No telling what the rest of this winter will be like and as typical victim of Murphy’s Law, I decided to go ahead and get all new tires.

He twitched his way through finding the right tires for my car, explained the pricing, sales, treads, rotation schedules, recall information, VIP Hazard benefit, etc and I ended up with tires as close to what was on my car before FLATsville. They're installed and I paid as the lights were being turned off and doors were locked. Nothing like being the last customer on a Sunday late afternoon.

4:00pm and $335 later I’m tooling my way home on brand new tires.

At least my car is happy now. And my credit card company.

Golden sides of the coin: A guy was nice enough to follow me on Saturday to let me know my tire was flat, I checked the car before going to work on Monday morning, I was able to get into VIP while they were still open, and I was able to get 4 good matching new tires on sale.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Queries to the Univeral Being..

...that I'm not really expecting answers too but would love them.

1) Why is it that the drivers who have neglected to clean the snow and ice off the roof of their vehicles can be found driving in front of me? Is it to provide me with the thrill of dodging the ginormous pieces flying off? Is it the excitement of potentially having my windshield smashed?

2) Why do men feel compelled to fart no matter whose presence they are in, especially when I am there in a professional capacity and I do not need to “share” the experience?

3) Why does my Doodle-Diva-Bug kitty feel compelled circle my head and step on individual hairs on my head at the butt-crack of dawn?

4) Why does same size underwear fit one day and not the next?

5) Is there a real and viable reason for a 37 year old to still be getting pimples?

6) Why can’t the Maine meteorologists ever get the storm predictions right?

7) Why do I always feel sleepy at some point between 3pm and 6pm but can’t sleep through the damn night or wake up AFTER my alarm clock goes off?

8) Why do I think of the most fabulous creative ideas or excellent solutions when I am in the shower, dripping wet obviously, where I don’t have the tools available to write them down?

9) Is there a reason why I go to bed freezing my ass off at night and wake up roasting my ass off in the morning?

10) Why do I have this adorable and extremely painful crack in my nostril that is the size and depth of the Grand Canyon and refuses to heal no matter what lotion, gel, balm, or medicated crap I slather on it?

“Is it any wonder I’ve got too much time on my hands and it’s ticking away with my sanity? It’s hard to believe such a calamity.”

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

What, My Mommy Said I Had a Fat Ass!?!?

Moomin: I thought all my chomping, TugO'Warring, and running around like a wildman was doing a body good!

Moomin: I have to hide myself under this tissue paper in shame...

Moomin: I thought I was cute as a button and a sweetie face besides.

Mommy: You are, my MoomiePants, you are, but you are signif overweight and I want to keep you in the family, so a-dieting we will go!

"Table for One, Please!"

I actually decided not to join the crazies at the grocery store. I just wanted to get home and shovel my driveway. I’m going shopping after my late afternoon meeting today.

It’s both easy and hard shopping for one person.

Easy in that I can buy my favorite items whenever whatever or when I get on an extended “favorite food kick” I can buy bulk and I don’t have to answer to anyone but a co-worker who has to point out every time I have something 3 days in a row “that she couldn’t eat the same thing day after day”. Well, she’s not me and she didn’t eat a PB sandwich for lunch for her entire elementary and middle school career. And I just read a blip on that stated the authors of “You, the Owner’s Manual” have a new “You, on a Diet” book that kudos eating the same thing every day. It an autopilot thing and if you eat rather healthy foods (like my daily b-fast of oatmeal with OJ every morning), then it’s not a problem. I like that. Autopilot with Autistic tendencies = me.

Hard in how to plan out what I should do for meals and menus. Meaning… if I make a casserole or a “meal”, I can expect to eat this for the entire week. Now, while I do not have a problem with eating the same thing everyday, I do mind having it for two meals (lunch and dinner) a day. So what do I make for the other meal? And what if I make something and then it falls out of favor two days into eating it? What do I do with all that food? My cooking skills are basic and minimal and where my math skills are sketchy along with my past history of having extreme difficulty with chemistry, I am afraid and unwilling to “cut a recipe down”. How do I know if what I reduce will be right?

So I typically just go with Autopilot breakfast (oatmeal with a sprinkle of mini choc chips and OJ – I know, I know, it should be a sprinkling of fruit, but the choc chips get it down, otherwise I’d be eating Cheerios and getting hungry at 10:00am, not an option) and cravings for the other meals.

I just finished a Chicken Salad kick not too long ago and am now off it due to getting a gastrointestinal something or other (virus or food poisoning not sure which, could have been a combo, a co-worker had the throw-up/liquid-from-your-ass virus earlier that week and I did eat some chicken that might have been squiffy later that week) after having it for lunch. Not yet ready to venture back into that territory. I haven’t settled on anything else. Recently had homemade split pea soup with purple potatoes, carrots, and ham, so that’s fixed that craving for some time. I do want Plaza Toast (thick cuts of bread, ham slices, pears, Swiss cheese slices all layered on top of each other and baked, then slathered in Hollandaise sauce. Healthy – not really. Good for the soul – oh absolutely!)

So my shopping lists looks like this so far:
Basics: OJ, Milk, Oatmeal, Bananas, Baby Spinach Salad (Croutons, Julienne carrots, Cherry tomatoes)
Lunch ideas: Tyson Honey Battered Breast Tenders (no Transfats!), Tortillas
Snack ideas: Celery, Carrots, Black olives, Red/orange/yellow peppers, Ranch dressing, special Potato Chips (only found at one store in the healthy aisle), Part skim milk mozzarella string cheese (heard this was good for you)
Dinner ideas: Plaza Toast (bread, pears, ham, Swiss cheese, Hollandaise sauce mix), Chicken Soup (chicken broth, celery, carrots, noodles, small onion, possible chicken), Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup (bread, American cheese slices, tomato soups)
Possible idea: English Muffin Pizzas (thanks to a co-worker) (English muffins, tomato sauce, part skim shredded mozzarella cheese, peppers, olives, pepperoni)
Desserts: Mini ice-cream sandwiches, Oreo Cookie-Frozen Yogurt milkshakes (new craving, like catnip! – Oreo cookies, frozen vanilla yogurt or low-fat ice-cream)

Sounds like I’m feeding a family of 6!

Oh, Moomin is now on Weight Management Adult food coz he’s got a fat cat ass and a big belly! I called the vet Monday to see if I really needed to continue kitten food until his first birthday. They said no, thank god, coz he’s getting HUGE!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Why, Hello There!!

It’s a Monday holiday and it’s currently snowing like the bajeezus outside. Supposedly supposed to change over to sleet or freezing rain later today. We’ll see.

Guess where I am right now?

Nope, not at home.

Nope, not at the library or my parents’ house.

I’m at work working on a holiday day as I need the money and took much time off in addition to Christmas Day and New Year’s Day for the window replacements. Also it’s a good time to get paperwork and plans done without the phone ringing because who in their right mind other than me would brave the elements to go to work on what should be a day off during a Winter Weather Advisory! Call me crazy and be done with it. And I can see from my second story perch that there are plenty of other crazies out and about driving at VERY unsafe speeds for roads that have ice under the lovely and drifting snow.

I plan to join the crazies later this afternoon and go grocery shopping, coz, I don’t know, if snow is falling, not only do you have to drive death-defyingly fast, but you also must jam up the grocery stores buying all sorts of much needed staples so you don’t end up Donner Partying your household.

So, I’m going to leave you all to enjoy your day off and continue on my merry working way. I may take another break as I am alone and will need to converse with someone even if it’s just a blog post!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Get Your CatNap On!

Unless you are Moomin and you're getting your TugO'War on!

Monday, January 08, 2007

I'm Now Vacuum Packed Into My House

My windows are in, finally. It's been a 4 day process, but a 3 day working process. They came on Thursday, did the two back bedrooms and were outta there by 4:00pm. One guy got all nose runny and his eyes swelled shut, so They went on an hour's Benadryl run. Arrived bright and early on Friday (no longer all vehklempt) and completed the front window (which was a MAJOR project!) and stripped the kitchen and bathroom windows but did not replace them. I asked and was told they would come Saturday "weather permitting". It did not permit even tho I optimistically woke up super early for a weekend day. Damn rain. So I spent the day with J2 and her son TJ (shopping for truck decor, Applebee's, and bowling) and it got all 60* and sunny for the afternoon. I get a call at 8pm telling me They are coming Sunday. So once again, I wake up before the butt-crack of dawn to be ready, cats stuffed away, and rooms ready. Well, I'm scooping the poop at 7:30am and They drive up. I rushed around the house like a certified loony grabbing cats right and left and jamming them into the spare bedroom. I and they were NOT thrilled. Thank god I was showered and dressed and not pottying! See pictures below!

Old kitchen window. The vehklempt guy told me they were "pretty bad, one of the worst he's seen and it's a good thing I replaced them."

Old side living room windows, with the cheap-ass storm windows.

One of my new bedroom windows. Notice how sleek and shiny they are!

The new kitchen window from inside.

This is my old front window taken out. See my Wooden Christmas Tree Display post to see the old window in action.

The new front window, 3 windows in one! Now all my windows match! FABULOUS!!

My new front window from the inside. I can get rid of my lined curtains that came with the house and were fugly beyond belief now that I am hermetically sealed into my house!

And I can put my mirrored balls back up that catch the sunlight and sprinkle it around my living room. So pretty!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Six Word Stories

This post will have to tide you over, I'm off on a 4-day weekend due to windows being replaced. Woe is, I mean, Yea me!

I found this idea on “Red Shoe Ramblings” blog in October (2006), but the thought of it has stayed with me since then. The one she used as an example besides her own story, was one by Margaret Atwood – “Longed for him. Got him. Shit.” I like that. Whenever I have a free moment and can’t doodle or appear “non-busy”, I try to create a 6word story. It’s fun, like shorthand that creates an instant word-picture. Here are a few of my attempts to be clever grouped by subject matter as I am a tad OCD at heart!

Science Fiction
Extraterrestrial lands, befriends child, phones home. (*smirk*)
Space explored. War with Others. Lost. (or Won. depending on how you like your endings)
Annihilation of humans eminent! Animals rule!

Space Opera
Hero saves damsel in BEM distress.
Sword swinging solves all scientific dilemmas.

Modern-Day Romance (although subject matter isn’t very romantic) with sequels
First book: Sex early on. Quickie marriage. Divorce.
Second book: Divorced. Down on love. Supportive friends.
Third book: Blind date. Love at first sight.
Fourth book: Courtship ups and downs. Second marriage.
Fifth book: Dealing with the Brady Bunch Syndrome.

Mass Produced Romances
Speed dating for Mr. Right. Found him!
Same plot, change names and places.

Bodice-Ripper Romance
Like/dislike repeated ad nauseum. Love.
Should she? Will he? Can they?
First time forced. Second time loved.
Reluctant bride, unsuitable suitor, lover overcomes.

Gothic Romance
Did you see or hear that?
Dark inheritance + brooding man = instant love.
Mysterious manor + amnesia + insanity + murder = love.

Teens save town despite disbelieving adults.
Shhhh! There’s something under the bed.
Clueless white people; unholy chaos ensues.

Ghost Story
Unsuspecting family moves in, disturbs rest.
Adolescent + angst = poltergeist + many investigators.
Unrequited love. Suicide. Spirit lingers. Haunting.

Forbidden manuscript found. Unsuccessful portal opening.
Inbred coastal town. Monster raised - opposed.
Gruesome discovery. Deaths abound. Tentacles resisted.

British Mystery
Party hearty. Body found. Affluent suspects.

Locked Room Mystery
Police stumped. Amateur detective finds illusion.

Self-explanatory clues (not!) interpreted. Elementary!

Two met. Two married. One murdered.

Pulp Fiction
She knocked. I cruised and bruised.

What was that? And that? And…?

Psychological Thriller
Are you deliberately driving me crazy?
Does anyone believe me? No? Yes?
Everything appears normal. Sure about that?

Movie Star Biography
Young wannabe on casting couch. Star.

Movie Star Sequel
Star. Drugs and alcohol. Falling star.

Royalty Biography
Survived childhood, numerous marriages to rule.
Trials and tribulations pre/post crowning.
Ruling despite revolts, adultery, strife. (Oh, my!)

Fairy Tale
Adult child magically seeks unconditional love.
I fell asleep; awakened by Beast!
Swim with mermaids, sleep with men.
Magic beans prevent foreclosure and eviction.
Peasant stock finds Prince Charming love.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Snow For the End of the Old Year

So I woke up from not sleeping at all Saturday morning to this view out of my side door. Yeah, snow for the holidays. Too bad I was sick as a dog all Friday and still felt shaky on Saturday. I just admired the weather from my windows. The first picture is my side yard, those are nude lilac bushes, er trees. Second pic is my front yard with my big naked maple tree. Third pic is moving onto the side to backyard. The last pic is my backyard. Of course it rained New Year's Day, so all the loveliness is gone. Now it's just a dirty drive to work.

Resolutions... Whafa?

I don't typically make New Year's Resolutions. I just try to cultivate new habits that would be beneficial or should be started.
Several past habits started and kept for years:
-Not leaving piles of clothes around my bedroom. Everything is put away or in the hamper.
-Going to the dentist regularly.
-Going to the eye doctor regularly.
-Going to the "internal" doctor regularly.
-Shoveling my driveway, no snowblowing or having someone come plow. I am fully able to do this even if I don't want to.
-Cooking more for myself.
-Trying new recipes to go with above habit.
-Keeping the bills, receipts, and important mail filed in file folders.
-Keeping up with the yardwork, again no having any landscape guys come as I am fully able to do this even if I don't want to.
New habits this year (some I have even already started before 2007):
-Going to the regular doctor's regularly.
-Wearing clothes that fit, no more bag lady clothes unless I'm doing a grungy project around the home and not in public.
-Blow drying my hair.
-Dressing professionally for my job (not excessive professional, I still work with kids after all, and boogers can happen).
-Maybe wearing some make-up. Maybe not.
-Watching less TV, no more channel surfing when my programs are over.
-Vaccuming and dusting more often.
-Saying "yes" more to going places with friends and family.
-Taking a class? Possible.
-Getting more active somehow now that impact activities are off limits.
So, it seems sort of simple and a bit superficial, but then again, my life is pretty simple and uncomplicated. I really do not have any deep life changes in mind and I think that's a good thing.

Hobbes Getting High

His Highness needed to get high to cope with the holidays and the extended time in my company. Not to mention, Moomin was nowhere in sight, so he felt comfortable enough to cut loose.

The Secret Project - Details Revealed

I can't take all the credit for this idea. I saw it on the site "All Sorts" (see my links list) and thought the idea was great. I made this for my mother for Christmas. She liked it but her enjoyment was conditional. She would like me to "move beyond primary colors". I was not thinking "primary", just that red, green, yellow, and white are Christmasy colors. She plans to change the background. And the next time I make this, I need to trim the corners of the top flaps and make them curved to avoid the corner look they are sporting right now. I agree, but I had already made about 4 of them when I realized I had forgotten to do that step. But for a first time doing a project like this, I was very impressed with my ingenuity and creativeness. The little circles are circle tags with stamps stamped in them, in Christmasy colors to match the embroidery floss, of course. I'm all about the matching! They go in the little felt envelopes and you can hang them on the green rods. So it turns out to be a tree of decorations. I plan on making another one for myself. Maybe if I am feeling all ambitious and crap, I might make one for my brother.