I don't typically make New Year's Resolutions. I just try to cultivate new habits that would be beneficial or should be started.
Several past habits started and kept for years:
-Not leaving piles of clothes around my bedroom. Everything is put away or in the hamper.
-Going to the dentist regularly.
-Going to the eye doctor regularly.
-Going to the "internal" doctor regularly.
-Shoveling my driveway, no snowblowing or having someone come plow. I am fully able to do this even if I don't want to.
-Cooking more for myself.
-Trying new recipes to go with above habit.
-Keeping the bills, receipts, and important mail filed in file folders.
-Keeping up with the yardwork, again no having any landscape guys come as I am fully able to do this even if I don't want to.
New habits this year (some I have even already started before 2007):
-Going to the regular doctor's regularly.
-Wearing clothes that fit, no more bag lady clothes unless I'm doing a grungy project around the home and not in public.
-Blow drying my hair.
-Dressing professionally for my job (not excessive professional, I still work with kids after all, and boogers can happen).
-Maybe wearing some make-up. Maybe not.
-Watching less TV, no more channel surfing when my programs are over.
-Vaccuming and dusting more often.
-Saying "yes" more to going places with friends and family.
-Taking a class? Possible.
-Getting more active somehow now that impact activities are off limits.
So, it seems sort of simple and a bit superficial, but then again, my life is pretty simple and uncomplicated. I really do not have any deep life changes in mind and I think that's a good thing.