Pet Peeve 1) I don’t “glow”, I don’t “glisten”, I don’t “perspire”. I am beet red and sweating like a frickin’ pig. When I weed, I water the garden with the sweat dripping off my face. When I mow the lawn, I have puddles under my eyes. When I do anything that requires heavy exertion, my face is so red, my soccer coach and the referees have asked if I was going to pass out. A co-worker said she heard that turning red means you have better blood circulation/flow which results in looking younger longer and better skin. Well, I do look many years younger than my actual age, but I don’t have the better skin. Must be because I am so young looking that my skin thinks it’s back in high school. My friend told me that the amount of sweat you produce is a reflection of your physical fitness level. The more you sweat the better shape you are in. For being the quintessential couch potato, I must be in some awesome shape. I just have to walk outside, take my belongings to the car, and I am one seriously shiny specimen of humanity. J said I must be in far better shape than I give myself credit for. Ugh!
Pet Peeve 2) You know when you go to wash your hands and there are no paper towels in the paper towel dispenser or on the roll because the person before you couldn’t lift that extra finger to replace what they just used up? Enough said. This goes for toilet paper too!
Pet Peeve 3) The Muffin Top Syndrome. Obviously young women and teenagers today do not have good friends. When you think hanging over your waistline is attractive, you are seriously wrong. I don’t care what body type you are; overflowing your pants/jeans/shorts/skirt is severely unattractive. If my friend was dressed like this and I didn’t say anything, I would be mortified. Not only for her, but for me for not saying anything. I firmly believe in accentuating the positive and minimizing the negative.
Pet Peeve 4) Finding dog poop on my lawn when I Do. Not. Own. A. Dog.
Pet Peeve 2) You know when you go to wash your hands and there are no paper towels in the paper towel dispenser or on the roll because the person before you couldn’t lift that extra finger to replace what they just used up? Enough said. This goes for toilet paper too!
Pet Peeve 3) The Muffin Top Syndrome. Obviously young women and teenagers today do not have good friends. When you think hanging over your waistline is attractive, you are seriously wrong. I don’t care what body type you are; overflowing your pants/jeans/shorts/skirt is severely unattractive. If my friend was dressed like this and I didn’t say anything, I would be mortified. Not only for her, but for me for not saying anything. I firmly believe in accentuating the positive and minimizing the negative.
Pet Peeve 4) Finding dog poop on my lawn when I Do. Not. Own. A. Dog.

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