My nicknames for Doodlebug, and the pet psychic said she likes them all because they are HERS, are: Doodle Doo, Pooper Girl, Pooper Doo Girl, Scooby-Doo Girl, Miss B, Miss Bug, Miss Kitty, Buggle, Buggle Butt, Miss Buggle, Bloomer Girl, BugADoo, Little Pink Nose, Nosy Bug, Clever Girl, Girly-Girl, and Belly Slut.
She is a Calico and when seen from above, it looks like she is wearing a helmet and saddle with elbow protectors. When viewed from the back with her tail up, she looks like she is wearing black panties with white stockings (except for a black patch on one leg). Favorite positions are: 1) the belly slut – laying on her back with all four legs sprawled out, woe to you if you surrender to temptation to touch the plethora of white fuzzy belly fur, you will be majorly injured, 2) the loaf of bread – similar to Hobbes except her tail sticks straight out, 3) the doughnut – entire body (with tail) curled into a circle with nose in the “hole” sticking up, and 4) the lurker – body low to the ground, nose can barely be seen by who/what she is stalking, tail going quickly back and forth, ears completely forward, big dilated eyes, and a definite butt wiggle happening.

She is a dominant little busy body. She adores Hobbes but feels free to roust him from his napping spots if she wants the sunbeam or lap, will take his toys while he is playing with them, eats his food if he leaves it before he is completely done, and will sock him a good one if he tries to sniff her butt (although she will sniff his butt whether he wants her to or not). She will wake me up at 4:30am ready to eat breakfast and will circle my head, step on my hair, and lay on my face so I can’t breathe. If I come home before 5:00pm, she thinks it is time to eat just because I walked through the door. She feels compelled to open all my cabinets, cupboards, Hoosier doors, and closet doors. I have come home to everything wide open and if I hadn’t seen her actually lift the Hoosier door latch, I would have been convinced it was a poltergeist.

Doodle enjoys: 1) eating Duct Tape – whenever she hears me start to unroll a piece of duct tape from the general purpose roll, she comes bounding in the room expecting me to just hand a piece over to her so she can ingest it and have it come out in the exact condition it went in – and curly ribbon usually found on presents, 2) running thru the house all zooed up with a puffy tail, big wacked-out eyes, and running over anything (this typically means Hobbes) in her way, 3) helping me with any projects (could be cooking, gluing, stamping, yarn, drawing, cutting, etc) by sitting on my materials or in the middle of the work station, and 4) getting her teeth brushed –she will actually request this if I haven’t brushed them in a while by jumping on the bathroom sink and meow/chirping as she looks at the cabinet that houses the container with the chicken flavored toothpaste and the cat toothbrushes
Doodle’s jobs are to cover her litterbox items and to keep her nap places cozy. She is an independent soul and well-loved. Most definitely a beautiful diva girl.
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