Okay, this weekend was beyond uncomfortable! Everything I had to do this weekend, fun and required, involved sweating my ass off.
First off, I had my friend J and her daughter come over so we could go to a library book sale in the neighboring town. My car doesn't have air conditioning, so I drove with all the windows down. Her poor daughter was in the back seat a-blowing with the wind. We get there early to get a good parking space, but that means roaming the town prior to the sale. That was okay, as we had an impromptu 2nd breakfast in the shady breezy gazebo by the library. She had coffee and cookies, the daughter and I shared a ginormous brownie. Then it's time to wait in front of the white, highly reflective, church where the sale is going to be. After a sweaty 20 minute wait in the straight sun, we are allowed to go in and it's baking in there. Take tons of people, hot humid weather, no cross-breeze or fans, and books galore on top and under tables, mix well, and you have a sticky irritable beverage called a Sam. I did manage to find a few good finds, but boy was it hot!!!
After dropping J and her daughter off at their car, I spend 20 minutes trying to find the person who parked on my lawn, because I'm polite enough to want to tell them to move so I can mow my lawn and NOT scratch their car. I couldn't find them.None of my immediate neighbors had company so the people were probably using the college trails for walking and decided to use my lawn as a parking spot. I fired up the lawn-mower and proceeded to mow around their car, making for damn sure the blower was aimed at their car so it would get a bit grassy. Maybe they will take the hint next time they visit. God, was it good to be finished with that chore.
Sunday morning it was raining when I got up and I thought I was saved. J is on this golfing kick and she wanted to go Sunday. I called her up to see if we were still going. She stated if it stopped raining before 3:00pm, she was going golfing and so was I. Enough of being a hermit. Sure enough, the rain stops around 10:00am and she calls me at quarter of 12. We're going. I called my dad up to see if he wanted to go. He said Mom gave him permission to go. We get out there. Hot hazy and humid. Thank god for the strong wind. Most of the golf course was boggy. I made a wedge shot and covered myself with water the color of baby poop. Sweaty and covered in nasty water. Great, just my idea of a good time. Not to mention the bugs. I had on bug repellent but the deer flies were not buying into it. At the 4th hole, my dad over-sprayed me with his bug stuff and so now I was sweaty, covered in nasty water, and drenched in Off! The company was great, but physically it was not a treat. By any means. I think I'd like to play golf in the winter. On a snowy course, with gaily colored golf balls, bright flags, and kick-ass snow-golf gear on. I could get into that.
I had 4 showers this weekend. Uggh!
Thank god for air conditioners, fans, ice-water, and Aleve.

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