Well, I am having one of those Mondays. I left my lunch bag at work for the weekend so it naturally follows that I forgot my lunch today, because my lunch wasn’t in my regular visual cue of my green and yellow bag. Also, getting to work, I realized my skirt was coming down, possibly getting ready to fall to my ankles at some extremely embarrassing point. I was jerry-rigging it to stay up with a clip when I saw that I put my underwear on inside out. Yeah, not really gonna change that around at the office.I had to create my own parking space because all of the regular ones are filled up. So I parked next to the mailboxes in the grass. I tried to pull far enough ahead so the grumpy mailman can stay on his ass and not have to get out of his truck when he fills the boxes. I'm interested to see what else is going to happen today...
Golden side of the coin – I had an incredibly lazy weekend with no golf, I went to a book sale on Saturday (2 finds for me, 2 for my brother, and 1 for my mom), Sunday was a “dirty” day (where I stayed in my PJs for the entire day and read and napped and watched the cats), I paid my car insurance bill before work today, and I got to read several new entries on my favorite blogs.
Other side of the coin, I have to mow my lawn tonight after my 4:30 appointment. Ah well, the price you pay for procrastination and laziness.
The picture is for random giggles. I think it kind of sums up my day!
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