Here are my new fantabulous doors!
The side door with deadbolt and really lock. See how it totally matches my windows.

The new screen door out to my deck. One side is stationary and the other opens all the way (the door will go to the stationary part) with a sliding screen. Awesome and again, matches my windows.

Not to mention, very weather proof and resistant. So going to need for winter!
Good move getting new doors. Now what other home improvements can you make before the cold sets in?
We have new requirements here requiring home owners to be able to produce an energy efficiency licence for their houses if it is being sold.
Which means, for most of us and in our best interest, we'll have to do major insulation work on our property. For us, it is the attic. Everything else is fine. I have seen houses where they are insulating the outer walls of the house, it is like putting up another house around the old one. Insulating material and another layer of bricks!!!
BEAUTIFUL! Good choice, way to go! These new doors will really pay off this winter! SMART GIRL!
And, they DO match your windows! :) NICE!
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