Cole Farms and Pineland Farm that is...
J2 and I were able to spend Saturday afternoon together. I arrived at her house after a day of getting to a buttcrack of dawn rendevous out in the rain but the people never showed, buying and lugging cat food and litter around but meeting someone else at Wally World, getting a gift from the Universe at Staples (THANK YOU!), coming home to change the cat boxes, fitting a nap in there, making a pit stop to get air in tires and pick up something for Gpa before my trip, and trying to avoid all the Prom-mers.
We went to Cole Farms to eat. A total diner experience. YUM! We had to wait for a little bit and TJ decided he wanted to swing before dinner. This is my favorite of the bunch I took of him.

Of course, you have to finish off your meal with a good old-fashioned hot fudge sundae with sprinkles you get to put on yourself. J2 and I shared the Muddy Raft (picture a brownie bigger then the palm of your hand, inch thick, big scoop of vanilla ice-cream, slathered in hot fudge sauce). Heaven!

Chicken Vista! Next we visited where J2 works and got to see some farm animals.

Extreme chicken close-up! The chickens were very chatty the whole time we were by them, they would follow us around the perimeter bawcking constantly. Sort of like peepers but chickens instead.

These two little darlings only let me take about 3 shots of them, blurry coz I didn't want to scare the shit out of them with the flash. Look at those little pink snouts. Soooo cute.

Inside the barn were tons of baby cows having a early evening snack.

All of the calves wanted to lick TJ pretty badly. Every time he got close and was kinda still, out came a cow tongue to try a swipe at him. He must have smelled sweet from his sundae.
At J2's house, TJ was put to bed and the adults played Wii. Quite the experience. I suck. Let's just say if I came in 11th out of 12 for the MarioKart, I was thrilled.
1 comment:
'xcuse me, but are those cloned cows??? The new FDA Policies are very frightening....all about money in the pockets of the already rich.
Ok, I figure they aren't cloned cows, well at least not just yet, but then again one never knows how long this has been in the works.
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