Thursday, December 25, 2008
Color Boosted IceStorm Shots
Reflect On The Good Times!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Digital TV Anyone?
Monday, December 15, 2008
Such A Bi-Polar Weekend
My little neighborhood was the black hole of my town.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Storm Crazy
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Finally, A Mascara That Actually Delivers
My lashes are all the above. Taking this stuff off is a dream, just a little warm water on the fingertips, hold for a few seconds to saturate them, and a with a barely-there-pull, off the mascara comes! Do this a couple of times till no more "tubes" are on your fingers and viola, no more raccoon eyes whatsoever!
And tho I'm no supermodel, my lashes are worthy of the name. I can practically cause a breeze with them they are so long and fabulous. Where the hell was this techno break thru in my younger party days. This stuff ROCKS!
Monday, December 08, 2008
So My Car Spoke To Me Today
And I only had to pay .50 cents for air.
For air.
Monday, December 01, 2008
Breathless Observations
You ever wonder what a cat or a dog thinks when you yawn in their face?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Pregnant Roller Skate
Pregnant roller skate.
And here I thought I was being envied my zippy cute red car.
Pregnant. Roller. Skate.
Go figure, considering the Prius is a PWW - Penis With Wheels.
So there, stick that in an interesting anatomical place.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
My Grampa
We'd visit every summer since I can remember.
Grampa used to smoke a pipe. The smell of pipe smoke brings back those times vividly. Then he stopped smoking the pipe and started chewing tobacco. When he'd take me or me and my brother places in his truck, I used to get embarrassed when he'd open the door at stop lights and spit a wad of tobacco juice out onto the street. He had all sorts of stuff hanging from his rear-view mirror and on his dashboard - little knitted rollerskates, sunglasses, gloves, pouches of tobacco, pens, pencils, tools, tape, and pads of paper.
He'd take me rollerskating in the mornings. He loved showing me off to all his skater friends. He taught me the circle waltz and the flea hop. I can still hear the polka music, see the lights and disco ball, taste the snacks, and feel myself sitting in the booths. I envied those daring senior citizen women in their little flirty skating skirts. Grampa was quite the ladies' man. He had 1 or 2 regular women he'd couple skate with but that didn't stop him from laying on the charm to all the other unattached women skaters.
He'd take me and my brother camping and fishing at his friend Ben's pondish lake. He'd pack his truck to the gills with tents, sleeping bags, lanterns, cooking stuff, portapotty, other camping stuff, and fishing gear. He showed us how to worm a hook (yuck), throw the line out, watch the bobber, jerk the pole, and catch blue gills. I can still remember how it felt holding the blue gills and taking the hooks out of their mouths to throw them gently back. Grampa always tried for one of the bass near the reeds. He was very patient and worked that fly fishing pole like a pro. He'd make a fire each night and my brother and I would wake up to the smell of eggs and bacon and him saying " 'bout time you woke up. The fish are already awake!"
He'd wake me up very early in the morning to go to the flea markets. He was always keeping an eagle eye out for tools or other hardware bargins. I still have the Nancy Drew board game from the '50s that we found. I also still have the army gas mask bag I used for years as a purse.
I was right.