I had no idea squirrels braved nor'easters to dig for food. Quite the fur coat and muff he's got going on. I just felt for him, if you click to see bigger you'll see the snow all over his face and between his ears.
Luckily I shoveled the 6+ inches that had fallen late afternoon before the storm turned to rain. So ALL I had to shovel at 10pm was two inches. Snort. Those two inches were heavier than the 6+ inches. One third water, one third snow, one third ice - HEAVY. And stuck to my shovel so on my upswing to get the crap over the waist high piles on either side of my driveway, I ended up going with the shovel coz the immoveable weight took me along for the ride! I can't tell you how many times I almost crashed and froze. I almost gave up quite a few times. Boy am I so glad I didn't - it all turned to ice over night and wasn't going anywhere this morning. I had to chip the end-of-the-driveway-snowplow-came-in-the-middle-of-the-night remains this morning. Bummer.
I'm exhausted. Typing was an unbelievable chore today, as was just sitting.
1 comment:
The abominable-squirrel. scary
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