The vet is right across the street from my neighborhood so after I popped Moomin in the cat carrier on Friday, we walked there and on the way, Moomin and a neighborhood dog got to visit with each other (just sniffed each other thru the door of the carrier). We arrived on time at the vet's and preceded to wait for a good 30-40 minutes while the vet and all the techs worked on a dog that had been run over by a car and came in two minutes after we got there (not good shape, sort of stablized enough to be driven to the emergency vets). That was okay with me, but poor bladder-boy was not okay with the wait because he felt he had to "go" and there was no where to "go" in the carrier. I flagged the receptionist down and they managed to get Moomin in one of the things out back with a litter box so he could squat to his heart's content. When she came back, she said Moomin "is just like a seal - sleek and shiny". I agreed. About 5-10 minutes later, the vet came out of one of the examining rooms with Moomin in her arms (he was so calm and just looked at everything) and asked "who is Moomin's mommy". I got up and we went back in the room. She manipulated all his innards and let me know that "they don't really know what he's got." That is not what I wanted to hear. I wanted to hear, "this is what it is, jam this pill down his throat, and all will be good." No, I got "well, it could be bacterial which the two-week regimen of antibiotics should take care or it could be some disease he will have for the rest of his life and he will require special expensive food". So I walked out of there with both antibiotics and special food to be given to Moomin for the next two weeks and "I might see improvement within a week's time." I just wanted to go home and cry. I was also instructed to separate Moomin from the other cats so that I could make sure he continued to pass urine because blockage is not good. So all weekend I have been on pee patrol. Friday night and Saturday day were the worst. If he wasn't asleep or having me distract him by any means possible, he was squatting in his litter box every 5 minutes. Sunday was better. More time between visiting the box and he had a 4 hour nap, sniffing out open windows, and slept all Sunday night with me. He's taking his meds like a trooper but he's having issues with the wet food. Licks it down into a solid immovable paste in the bottom of his bowl and once he can't get anymore up, he's done eating. So much for the vet's recommendation of a can and a third of a can a day. He barely gets thru a third of a can at one sitting. I called the vet's today with this concern and I was told to continue the wet food and put it on a saucer. We'll see.
1 comment:
Poor Moomin. He's been in my thoughts all weekend.
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