Thursday, February 01, 2007

First Off: Top Design Mini Review

Top Design = No Go
Reasons: No oomph and it doesn’t draw me in. I only watched the entire show to see the rooms and to say I actually gave the show a chance. It’s missing that “put it together from absolute scratch” factor that Top Chef and Project Runway have. With clothes and food, you create a finished product with a variety of materials. This show has people working with already finished products to create something, and they have access to a carpenter and a seamstress that actually do the “making parts” of their projects. This show about a curtailed creative process and it’s not so interesting to watch.

Todd Oldham = Tranked up Muppet
Thoughts: I like him as a designer but really… he should be seen and not heard. I almost turned the show off because he sounded so sing-songy, “rehearsed”, and frankly, extremely annoying. At least Heidi is natural and spontaneous-sounding even when she may be reading a hidden cue card or saying the same spiel every show. And what’s with the not sticking around to join the judging and critiquing? All he did was schmooze around the designers’ rooms and give “good jobs” and back pats. Is this memorable “reality showbiz”? I think not.

Interior Designers = Where the “F!!!” do they find these people?
Thoughts: Totally unsympathetic characters that I have absolutely interest in watching win or lose.

First Challenge + Team design = Two designers go home
You know they did this to shorten the length this show will be on the air! Nothing like tossing two deadweights out in one shot!

Michael = Loser Extraordinaire!
Reasons: What designer doesn’t actually “do” anything?
“I’ve seen shows where they show you how to paint.” – What? Like Trading Spaces? Dude, so not the same as actually painting.
“I’m a top designer in New York” – What? For who? Newly landed aliens? Which he does resemble. To Roswell he needs to go…
“Who can argue with a narcissistic ass?” Exactly, who could as that is exactly what he is!

Final words = Just channel surf over it.

1 comment:

Deborah Boschert said...

Well... if you were going to provide regular recaps, I'd be more inclined to watch. I agree, Todd was odd. And I will also admit that I surfed right over to wiki to get the goods on that "celebrity judge." Wow... I thought the Arquettes were odd and I wasn't even aware of that branch of the family.