I just wanted to share a picture that reminded me of the superfun times I had with my friend J! We always were up to something. That's her hand by the way! We're playing "Asshole" and I'm it coz I'm wearing the beer hat. Asshole always wears the beer hat, low man on the totem pole of levels in this game. "President" was the highest. If you are wondering what "Asshole" is, it's a drinking card game and for the life of me I can't remember the rules. I seem to recall they were pretty complex for a drinking game, but once we got rolling, it was actually tons of fun. My nose is red because we were on a two-day white water rafting trip. Can you say cold October water? I knew that you could and yes we were crazy. But we wanted the "big release" day and we got it in spades. Raft overturned and everything. My happy ass needed to be hauled in the boat by the back of my sweater because I popped up looking in the opposite direction of the raft (with my sunglasses still on because they were bungee-corded tightly to my face!) and all I kept thinking about was "nose and toes, nose and toes, and hold onto the oar for God's sake". Nose and toes coz you wanted them pointed upwards so nothing got caught in the rocks (you know, for the safety factor) and you had to pay for the damn oar if you lost it. Ah, those were the days. Can't say I miss the danger factor of some of the things we did...

Very nice picture. Looks like you are really enjoying yourself. I never did any of those outdoor activities, but it sounds like fun. Except for the water part - I am quite afraid of water. And the sun part - I tend to avoid it. And I never had a drink. But it is very cool that you did it and survived with positive memories and a cute picture. About how long ago did you do it?
This was in the early or mid 90's. The mid-twenties age-wise. The cusp of the partying and wild stage!
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