1) I find that despite repeated crashings into walls and windows with his head, Moomin retains his native intelligence and showed me that he understands “cause and effect”. This is evidenced by his batting a mirrored ball in a sunny window this long weekend. After batting the ball, he chased the moving light dots (I didn’t say he was the sharpest tool in the box, but he’s not the dullest tool either by any means). Once the mirrored ball ran out of turning and swinging power, he ZOOMED up the couch, gave the ball another bat, and proceeded to chase light dots in crazy-man mode. He did this as long as the sun was coming thru at the right angle. Once the dots were gone, he was all done with the game.
2) The trio of furry goodness had turkey goodness for a special treat Thursday night. My mother saves me the “oysters” of the turkey for them. They loved it. Moomin was initially hesitant but once he saw how the others were chowing down, he followed suit.
3) They got two days of sunbeamin’ in and got nice and toasty!
4) I woke up Sunday morning to find that one of my cats (and my money is on Moomin) had dined on 4-5 inches of synthetic yarn that was attached to the rafters and to a toy (the toy was on the floor with a yarn segment missing). So now I’m on “poop’n’butt patrol” to make sure everything comes out okay.

5) I discovered over the long weekend that both my boys also have feline acne. I already knew Doodle did and she has been on the Kitty Stridex regimen for 3 weeks so far. Hobbes has a very bad case and Moomin’s is relatively light. Both Doodle and Hobbes’ chins are a mess. I thought Doodle’s was getting better so Murphy’s Law decided to step in and prove me wrong. I washed 3 kitty chins with Kitty Stridex last night. That was an adventure and a half. Doodle is used to the routine, pissed off, but used to it. I "burritoed" her up in a towel and that helped. She mellowed out some during the drying process when I shook the treat container in front of her (my mom’s idea, worked, thanks Mom!). Hobbes on the other hand, you would have thought I was trying to braid his whiskers, poke needles in his eyes, or jam a horse pill down his throat. I tried to “burrito” him up. That didn’t work too well. We finally compromised on a position that was truly funny. He was facing me pushing me away with his paws and I was holding him by the neck and shoulders, pushing him towards me. It was good for chin cleaning tho. I found he is missing quite a patch of fur on the right side of his chin. Poor baby. Well, the Kitty Stridex regimen has begun for him. I hope it helps. He does love the treat afterwards! I thought Moomin was going to give me a hard time. He was very well behaved and unsure of the treat. But then he decided he liked it enough to want to take Doodle’s place when it was her turn. I had to shoo him away. It’s lucky that he loves water! I hope it keeps going well with him. We’ll see.