Here is my living room. This was taken last Sunday late in the afternoon.

This is the Chair of Death. Me and the cats frequently fall asleep in this chair no matter how hard we try to stay awake. The door is my front door.

This is my love seat area with a couple sets of bookcases. Notice how full they are. The doorway is to my dining room.

This is my big couch, door is to a closet, and one set of many bookcases. The TV is in the corner after the bookcase.
My decorating scheme is COLOR COLOR COLOR!!! and comfort. And BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS!!!
Love your home! It really does look like a "HOME!" Hey what was all that talk several weeks ago about the birthday gift your mom was making for you? What was it?
It's a bluish, greenish, aqua-ish quilty thing. Gorgeous! I can't wait until it's finished.
I love all the color! I've said before that if I lived alone my house would look like the inside of a box of crayons - the BIG box. If my husband lived alone, his house would be white, gray, black, with maybe a little blue and green here and there. Our house we share is somewhere in between the two extremes.
Very nice! I like bright colors too! I have quite a collection of colorful socks. Your place looks comfortable. Thank you for sharing!
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